The first two, Explorer crashes and GDI leaks, is fixed and functioning better within 9901. SSD/HDD Bricking was with 9879 and a patch has been released through WU. I believe this is fixed in 9901 but not 100% certain. Update failures are within 9901 because there are no updates for it since it is not supported, plus the upgrade functionality is broken. So you would have to upgrade via ISO. Personally, I would suggest either stick with the supported 9879 for now or just wait a week until the event on the 21st. EDIT: 9901 also had a lot of random corruption going on and mismatching hashes for copying files and so on. It is certainly riskier going with a leaked build compared to a supported build.
i found a post and posted in it, weird . and do you believe that i haven't went through, atleast a couple of pages before posting my query?
@ Tito please put in the Orginial Post that build 9901 requires the use of EFI on Vmware using a custom setup. If you use a Bios then it won't install.
with VMware workstation 11, otherwise you need to edit the .VMX file and add the following line to it: Code: firmware="efi"
I downloaded Office 16.0.3327.1020 but for some reason it won't install.. Do you have any idea why? On Windows 10 9879.
I've tried with and without Windows 8 compatibility mode. BTW what you said totally sounds like something you just made up..
wait for today's windows 10 build and try 64 bit office 16, It's working here but I have 9901 (today I delete it, hours from new one!) and here it works some folks had problems with windows 10 and google chrome, AFAIK 64 bit chrome works good 32 bit doesnt
Office 15 prerelease didn't run well on windows 8 prerelease builds (compat mode didn't solve it), and Office 16 isn't properly working on Windows 10...
You can't just execute the executable. Read the manual provided where you got it from on how to install it, you didn't specify the configuration.xml
Hi guys, I downloaded the Windows 10 9901 leaked build, but I can't burn the Iso image to a blank dvd for installation. It kept saying it's not a valid Nero Image file. Can anyone help?
have you tried another burning app? if you are on windows 8.x right click the iso and burn image to disc.
Yea im on 8.1, I selected that option but it said it's not a valid image. What other app would you recommend ?
Yea it's an .iso file unless I downloaded a wrong 9901 build iso? 9901.0.amd64fre.winmain_prs.141202-1718.iso Could you give me another link to download 9901 leaked? I think the one i downloaded was corrupted or something.