Thanks geepnozeex that runs well ,it can remove edge from the offline image. Here is my test result : [OS:LTSC 2021] After Remove edge and deployed image ,the edge does not appear in new system ,but when performed online update ,the windows update brings edge(initial version ) back and edge self can be uninstalled normally ,no remains left. whatever ,we won't be bothered by the annoying Edge neither on living system nor offline image NOW. Thanks again @AveYo @geepnozeex
I have shortened the powershell code. to remove microsoft edge chromium, on the live system has my Edge Chromium Remover it is advisable to unpack it to the root of the disk. run the Start Edge Remover.bat from the admin and wait for it to finish. (1-2 minutes)
Hi dear friend @geepnozeex But it removes all Edge browsers or just Edge Chromium? Thanks in advanced.
@geepnozeex Can you please explain what this script does. Apart from the mount/unmount & hive load. What does SU64 /w /s Powershell "LS HKLM:\SSOFTWARE -Rec -ea 0|?{$_.Name -Match 'edge' -and $_.Name -NotMatch 'EdgeGesture'}|RI -Rec" actually do? ---------------------- Also the EdgeRemover script mentioned in post 182, Is that a replacement for the AveYo Edge_Removal scipt ?
searches for and deletes edge partitions, except for the partition EdgeGesture SU64 /w /s - utility for starting any process with TrustedInstaller privileges.
Thanks. Just removed edge using your script. Worked well. I could not find a reference to "/Remove-Edge" anywhere. Is it possible to remove Windows Defender from install.wim ?
In Windows 10, to remove Defender, you had to remove its packages. for windows 11 this is not enough. You need to write commands yourself to remove defender elements, but this may make it impossible to install cumulative updates. so I just turn off the defender in the image. command to remove old defender databases Code: Dism /Image:C:\WORK\Mount /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions commands to turn off the defender in the offline image Code: Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:C:\WORK\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:\WORK\Mount Dism /Image:C:\WORK\Mount /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions Reg load HKLM\SSOFTWARE C:\WORK\Mount\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE Reg load HKLM\SSYSTEM C:\WORK\Mount\Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEM SU64 /w /s Powershell -ep bypass D:\PSREG.ps1 Reg unload HKLM\SSOFTWARE Reg unload HKLM\SSYSTEM Dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\WORK\Mount /commit PSREG.ps1 file contents Code: Reg add HKLM\SSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Notifications\Settings\Windows.SystemToast.SecurityAndMaintenance /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f Reg add HKLM\SSOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsRuntime\ActivatableClassId\Windows.Internal.Security.SmartScreen.AppReputationService /v ActivationType /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f Reg add HKLM\SSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v SettingsPageVisibility /d "hide:windowsdefender" /f RP HKLM:\SSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run SecurityHealth 'WinDefend','Sense','WdBoot','WdFilter','WdNisSvc','WdNisDrv','wscsvc','SecurityHealth*'|%{SP HKLM:\SSYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\$_ Start -V 4} SU64 /w /s - utility for starting any process with TrustedInstaller privileges.
@geepnozeex Thanks, I'll def try this. When I have some time. EDIT: If it's not too much trouble, post code to remove the Defender elements you mention. I'm not too bothered about updates.
I haven't looked into this issue. I only understand in general terms what needs to be done. for work, it makes no difference whether the Defender is removed or turned off. My defender is turned off and installing updates does not turn it on.
Tried out the disable defender script. Seems to have worked well. Except for "Dism /Image:"%MOUNTDIR%" /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions" Maybe because I used the install.wim from Win11 Ent LTSC 2024 ? Error was : Code: Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.22621.1 Error: 32 An initialization error occurred. For more information, review the log file. I had included the remove edge script too, BTW. below : Spoiler: bat file snippet Code: ... echo mounting ... Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"%INSTALLWIM%" /index:1 /MountDir:"%MOUNTDIR%" echo removing edge ... Dism /Image:"%MOUNTDIR%" /Remove-Edge pause echo loading hives ... Reg load HKLM\SSOFTWARE "%MOUNTDIR%\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE" Reg load HKLM\SSYSTEM "%MOUNTDIR%\Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEM" echo processing reg keys ... superUser64.exe /w /s Powershell "LS HKLM:\SSOFTWARE -Rec -ea 0|?{$_.Name -Match 'edge' -and $_.Name -NotMatch 'EdgeGesture'}|RI -Rec" pause echo disabling defender default defs ... Dism /Image:"%MOUNTDIR%" /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions ... Thanks again, @geepnozeex -------------------------- Users\*\Desktop\*Edge.lnk The desktop Edge icon is not cleaned up......
Following this issue thread Edge Remover - One that actually works Ended up with a more current Edge_Removal.bat 2024-06-10 ... not sure if it fixes all the recent issues [untested]
Did this and works flawlessly but I encountered a problem, I can't disable Virtualization Based Security without defender, is there a way to permanently remove it too?
Is there easyway to modify ToggleDefender script so it doesn't prompt for comfirmation? If tamper protection is enabled would be nice to get error message.
## Toggle Defender, AveYo 2023.09.13 ## for users that understand the risk but still need it off to prevent unexpected interference and i/o handicap ## may copy-paste directly into powershell Code: $ENABLE_TAMPER_PROTECTION = 0 <# 1 script re-enables Tamper Protection 0 skip #> $TOGGLE_SMARTSCREENFILTER = 1 <# 1 script toggles SmartScreen as well 0 skip #>