Hello, the script to remove edge ghost icon is working perfecly, thank you. My question is, there is a script to remove system apps from the start menù too without unistalling them? For example, the calculator app, i want to remove the icon showing in the start menù, because to recall it i always use the "calc" command via run but i can0t do it, there is only the "unistall" option. So, is possible to customize the start menù to show only what i need without removing the core components? Thank you, any help is appreciated.
Thanks AveYo Edge_Removal.bat runs well It can easily remove the bundled edge browser in newer windows system ,especially to the annoying remains(like Start menu icon ; Open with list ;Program management list and so on ) which were left and not easy to remove after uninstalled Edge . EVEN perform a windows update ,those annoying remains were not bring back ! It's very very very useful !!!
Update for post #1 RunAsTI.reg context menu for folders, exe, msc, bat, cmd, reg - updated 2023.07.06 - fix arguments with quotes (issue #6) RunAsTI.bat with Send to right-click menu entry to launch files and folders as TI - updated 2023.07.06 - fix arguments with quotes (issue #6) RunAsTI.ps1 or copy-paste function code in powershell console - updated 2023.07.06 - fix arguments with quotes (issue #6)
Same for ToggleDefender.bat / ToggleDefender.ps1 (post #3) Code: 2023.09.05 ToggleDefender update - reworked handling of Tamper Protection will wait on a 20s loop, and open defender settings (optional, turn off at the top of the script) - re-added smartscreen toggling (optional, turn on at the top of the script) - low-level reg functions behind RegSetDwords - removed unnecessary ` sprinkles
Update for post #5 Edge_Removal.bat The harder it gets pushed, the less incentive to see it. Now with OpenWebSearch innovative redirect Code: 2023.08.28 Edge_Removal redux! - $also_remove_webview = 1 removes Widgets as well (WebExperience) - after removal: can enter edge or webview to reinstall them - after removal: firefox command uses the faster web installer - all registry operations via native powershell - run setup first, then appx removal - various script improvements
Update for post #5 Edge_Removal.bat Code: 2023.09.09 Edge_Removal ++ $also_remove_webview = 1 (set to 0 to not also remove EdgeWebView2 and Widgets) after removal can enter into console: firefox to quickly install it, or edge and webview to reinstall them hybrid script, can just copy-paste into powershell already includes OpenWebSearch Changes from 2303.08.28
Update for post #3 ToggleDefender.bat or ToggleDefender.ps1 more aggressive ToggleDefender 2023.09.13 Code: default choices changed: - do not re-enable tamper protection - also toggle smartscreen - disable smart app control in 11 (root cause of severe delays after disabling defender)
Update for post #5 Edge_Removal.bat The harder it gets pushed, the less incentive to see it. Now with OpenWebSearch innovative redirect OpenWebSearch 2023 improvements Code: - if edge was removed, but then it gets installed by windows again, script will restore the needed hard-link so it can still be opened Edge_Removal: includes above, and many fixes and workarounds - reliable cleanup of EdgeUpdate via launch options - msi installers cleanup - insist opting-out of unsolicited reinstalls with windows updates - optional xsocial command to restore XboxApp Social feature (triggers webview every boot) Edge_Removal 2023.09.14 Code: - reliable cleanup of EdgeUpdate via launch options - msi installers cleanup - optional xsocial command to restore XboxApp Social feature (triggers webview every boot) - insist opting-out of unsolicited reinstalls with windows updates, part II use arm64 trick instead of non-existing cdp_name, and skip msedgeupdate must use edge command after running the script if you need to reinstall it
What's the difference in using bat, ps1 or reg on Windows 11 22H2 x64? I've always used .bat files, never really considered if it's superior or inferior to others. Same as above. Considering fresh clean install of Windows 11 22H2 x64. And just out of curiosity - UserChrome.js stand-alone snippet loader - what does it do, what for would it be usually used?
Out of pure habit I also always use the BAT files. You only need the RunAsTI.reg file if you want to use the context menu entries. The script UserChrome.js loads the following snippets: Addressbar.uc.js OneClickSearch.uc.js SimpleHotkeysOverride.uc.js UrlFixUp.uc.js
RunAsTI.bat doesn't always dismount correctly. Sometimes the related powershell.exe and conhost.exe processes continue to run for hours, even when RunAsTI.bat explorer windows are closed. In Win11 23H2, explorer.exe running as TI is broken a bit. RunAsTI.bat doesn't launch explorer.exe with Win11 23H2 new explorer tab extensions. It launches explorer without tabs. In that mode, explorer.exe back button doesn't always work and forces users to type directories manually or relaunch explorer.exe as TI again to navigate to desired directories. This doesn't happen all the time. I don't know how to reproduce it.
I don't get any of those messages. I have three different copies of Edge Removal dated at various times. Each run without any error message. Here's my info: Device name DESKTOP-7JG14FK Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.88 GB usable) Device ID 56843F94-16F1-42B3-84FC-9FC86FFC3E53 Product ID 00330-80000-00000-AA226 System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display Edition Windows 11 Pro Version 23H2 Installed on 9/23/2022 OS build 22631.2715 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22677.1000.0
OS : Windows 10 22h2 Pro ( 19045.3803 ) Issue : Want Microsoft Edge Browser & Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime functioning back for running Windows Subsystem For Android ( Custom ) on Windows 10. Originally : I Ran Edge_Removal.bat when I installed OS & now updated windows to latest to get back the two Edge functionalities. They came back with updates but not functioning. Dism Scan health , Sfc / scannow shows all well. Probably the script! Please help!
Have a look there : https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/issues/340 1. Simply run the NEW Edge_Removal.bat . Let it complete the removal process (it was with some errors as obvious). On the prompt, type the component you want to return / Install i.e. webview / edge / xsocial / firefox & press enter. If you want to return more than one component, Type one component at a time, press enter & other component(s) at successive prompts. 2. Alternatively, the github link suggests a Registry change. ( Not Tried ) ( I believe that the 1st option is more comprehensive. ) Thanks.
EdgeRemoval Script runs well on living system. Is there any way to use that on a offline system ? I mean,how to remove Edge from a mounted Install.wim as well as like in a living system,so we can debloat the wim-file of morden-windows which has contained Edge. (such as LTSC 2021) Is that possible ???
for W11 offline image Code: Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:C:\WORK\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:\WORK\Mount Dism /Image:C:\WORK\Mount /Remove-Edge Reg load HKLM\SSOFTWARE C:\WORK\Mount\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE SU64 /w /s Powershell "LS HKLM:\SSOFTWARE -Rec -ea 0|?{$_.Name -Match 'edge' -and $_.Name -NotMatch 'EdgeGesture'}|RI -Rec" Reg unload HKLM\SSOFTWARE Dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\WORK\Mount /commit SU64 = superUser64.exe