True though sadly I am not that technological savvy in the way of doing repairs/changes myself. I mostly know my way around an operating system mostly but when it comes to actual hardware, I just know specs, some wifi things, & then when it comes to replacing it then eh nope. I mean every time I have tried opening up a laptop or tablet & tried to fix something I always end up ruining it & then end up getting extremely frustrated to the point I just end up throwing the device out in a fit of rage truthfully. I had an asus transformer t100ta back in like 2017. (it's a long story so not going to mention what happened) but I got mad to the point I literally mangled the thing with my bare hands out of rage & then ran it under water to make sure it wouldn't power on even though I am pretty sure the motherboard was broken, my last laptop I bought in 2022 I stripped a screw trying to take it apart, every screw came out except for this last one. I mean I was trying to take it apart because the battery was going out on it after a year. So, I went into a fit of rage & literally just threw the whole thing out after wiping the SSD clean. All because the last screw wouldn't come out & became stripped. Anyway, this laptop is 10 years old & the last laptop I own/in the whole house. So, eh it's just best if I don't try & take it apart. So, eh yeah probably just going to have to look into a USB wifi adapter. Unless I pay a computer repair shop or something to replace it. Though probably cheaper to buy a USB wifi adapter lol.
To me your notebook seem something of the same class of the one shown above in the video above (aka a idiot proof job), no need to be spooned with a video of the exact model, just use a bit of common sense, and a small cross screwdriver.