Many thanks for the mod, Yen, but my comp already has v 1.28 with SLIC 2.0 - I tried to winflash, but it keeps saying that the BIOS is not newer and refuses to flash. The command line parameter /nodate does not work with this version... Is there any way to force it to flash your modded version? Thank you
Are you sure about that? Does it mean that if my BIOS has 2.0 SLIC I can still install and activate Windows 7? Why then Yen bothered to mod Lenovo BIOSes?
Lenovo has only one certificate (version 2.0) that matches the Slic 2.0 and Slic 2.1 (for Vista and Windows 7 respectively).
You wrote that you need a certificate - I told where you can find it. For all the Lenovo slic certificate is the same. (сначала выясни что тебе нужно, а потом задавай вопросы, а со своим 2.0 ты активируешь только висту, для семерки нужен слик 2.1)
@ arachnologist In WinPlash advanced settings untick the option " Flash only if Bios is newer than system " then flash the modded Bios. Make sure if you have a loader installed to uninstall it before flashing the bios!
There aren't any 'Advanced Settings' - at least in WinFlash version for my AMI Lenovo BIOS, sorry Make sure if you have a loader installed to uninstall it before flashing the bios! Are you kidding? Do you think I might be using a loader on a brand laptop? And WinPlash does not work with my BIOS anyway
Send me a PM with your telephone number - though I am on the opposite side of the globe I can call you on the phone and explain why you don't understand what I am asking and what you are answering - let's not get other people involved into our dispute. Thanks