Hey i have a Lenovo G560 laptop that i set a bios and hdd password to and i forgot the password, i set the password back when i got the laptop and now i cant remember it, can anyone help me?
Hey guys, I've got a Lenovo T410 Bios-Version 1.39 and I like to enable BIOS-Option to switch between dedicated NVIDIA NVS 3100M graphics adapter and integrated Intel HD graphics. Is it possible for any of you guys enabling that optoin and if so, what do I need to provide for you to do so. Thanks in advance.
Can someone please please please please please!!!!!! Upload the ISO for the t43 - ThinkPad T43 (1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876 Machine types only) _no_1802_no_2010 So I can make a bootable cd as I can't get into windows Thank you and much appricaited.
One thing I have to ask is there a way to make them so I can flash the bios via a bootable cd? Instead of having to flash the bios via windows?
Im very new at this stuff... Just want to ask something before I flash the BIOS on my t43. Is there anything I should check or do before updating the BIOS with the NO error BIOS? As I dont want to stuff up the laptop
All done worked great with no problems. Happy to get rid of those stupid errors. Thanks to the genius who modded the t43 bios
Hi chenxiaolong, I am in the same situation as yours. My system is a Win7 64 bit. I am in the process to flash the bios. My questions are the following: 1) When you opened your laptop it had the three antennae? 2) How successful your flashing was? Is your system 64 bit as well? did you modify any setting in particular or jsut run the provided winflash.exe? Many thanks in advance, Finfo
Thanks alot for the reply... I'm at work now but as soon as I get home this evening I will try. Can't wait! UPDATE: Unfortunately the above did not work. when I did CLR.BAT i got "Error: the marker has been cleared" "the operation is not completed" which is confusing so I did FLASH.BAT anyways and then got "Error: the marker already exists" "Operation is not completed" A check with RW-Everything still has no slic tab. Anymore ideas? I didn't think this would be so difficult