I'm looking for someone with a correctly modified BIOS for the Lenovo 3000 N200 (type 0769). The links to the modified BIOS that I find are all dead. Maybe someone has it and can repost? Thanks!
I mean i want to remove the whitelist so i can plug my WWAN without "1802 Unauthorized network card..."
I can mod this bios to remove WLAN\WWAN check, but the mod CAN BE flashed with HW programmer ONLY ! (It's Secure Phoenix bios for Win8)
Sorry i'm new here and i dont know much about BIOS/Flash.. what is "HW" means? and can you mod this bios so i can plug WWAN without problem? Sorry again, i just need it to work. Thanks
What kind of programmer would be needed to flash it? Maybe its possible to do it for BIOS 2.02, I think it was released before Win8, but can't find the link anymore.