I have a Lenovo G780 and need a mod bios with slic 2.1 for Windows 7 Type: G780 Biosversion: V9.00 EC Vension: 5EEC95WW Thanx
-Motherboard Manufacturer and Model : Lenovo K410 (Desktop) -Bios Revision : Unknown -Bios Type : Lenovo -Bios SLIC : Unknown -Bios Link : Does Not Exist Hi all: I just purchased a Lenovo desktop and I'd like to mod the BIOS for SLIC 2.1, and also to accept any PCI-Express cards. I'm not clear that it has a whitelist, but apparently that is now a thing that desktop manufacturers do? Unfortunately, no BIOS updates have been issued for the desktop so I don't have much information to go on. I'm more than willing to do a dump of my BIOS et al, but I'd need to be given the proper tools to do so. Thanks in advance!