LENOVO (IBM) Bioses, especially Thinkpad.

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by ancestor(v), Jun 17, 2009.

  1. pavelalex

    pavelalex MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2013
    It looks like afudos with /HOLE:05CA01FC0FC111DC901100173153EBA8 may work for my board (at leat /HOLEOUT created me a file with "NO DATA"). I have SLIC2.1 file, but i have no SLP LENOVO TC-FC file to put it into HOLE.
    It there a way to create SLP from SLIC?
  2. slicpenguin

    slicpenguin MDL Novice

    Aug 27, 2011
    Thanks for the quick response opt_step but imagefb.rom is missing from the zip file.

    I tried modifying the bios myself before my first post but the flash utility gave the following error message:

    18 - Error: Unable to start secure flash session

    The bios was updated to the release used for the mod before the phoenix tool was used to create the new bios file.

    The Secure Boot setting in the bios has been disabled.

    Any help or insight you or anyone else can provide would appreciated.