Well, flash 1 gave me the same Error 28, and flash 2 reported a successful finish, no errors or warnings, etc. Does this mean that my UEFI-BIOS was flashed successfully and i have no whitelist now?
Can we somehow flash patched BIOS via standart Lenovo BIOS Update tool? Cause it's flashing it fine, as far as i know. Or that is another kind of procedure? And if it is, can I ask you to make a patched BIOS flash image (I want WLAN, WWAN and BT white-list disabled) for EEPROM Programmer, cause i'm not good in Assembler at all? Also, I don't know, but if there should be applied some other patched to BIOS firmware (fixeds or whatever it is, i have seen some SLIC mode, but i'm a dummy and have no idea whether it is a mod or a tool), can you apply them too? Is there a change, that we can flash an older version of BIOS? Can i upgrade than to 2.55 version and keep no-whitelist patch? Or FW version doesn't affect this problem?
My laptop came with Windows 8 licence (automatic activation). Can I add other keys, for Windows 8.1 Pro, for Windows 10 (i have them)?