There are so many things to do besides sitting in front of a computer. Get out, meet people, see a movie, spend time with friends. Fresh air and sunshine are great alternatives to computers. But that's just my point of view.
@alice: There may come a time when you'll have to. So start thinking about what you'd like to be doing in your retirement. I'm at that point myself. I decided to fulfill my lifes' dream and compose music. :Miki.
life without game to men likes life without shopping to wommen.I donot believe it before .but after much times qurrel with my boy friend, i tried to understand the meanings of game to men. it just like women like shopping and watching TV. so I totally understand it .
Video games are how I met most of my friends both on the internet and off. Life would suck without them
children will learn about crimes from other channel if not game. i think exposing them to the issue earlier is better, & as parent/supervisor can find and correct their behaviors earlier before they reach the rebellious stage. dumb lobbying after all for strict ban on violence game