19041.1_PRO-to-ENTS_amd64_en-US.zip (10.2 MB) SHA1: 36E43239BE42B6787D0E3EFF1745027F1D9D47E7 Done. How to: 1. Copy or extract to extracted 19041.1_PRO-to-ENTS_amd64_en-US the install.wim in 19041.1.191206-1406.VB_RELEASE_CLIENTPRO_RET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO\sources. 2. Use 7-Zip to open and copy (extract) whole content of following language package to lp. microsoft-windows-client-languagepack-package_en-us-amd64-en-us.esd. 3. Left-Click Start-As-Admin.cmd once --> Right-Click Start-As-Admin.cmd once --> Select "Run as Administrator" to start. 4. Done. Press any key to exit.
Quality original research. Your time and effort is appreciated. If I knew such a magician, I would ask him to resurrect the Windows Classic Theme. Or maybe we need a necromancer for that. Does the inclusion of StartMenuExperience.exe with 18362 make a difference as well? Could you PM me please how to make EnterpriseS for future versions? I don't need it for 19041.1
It is no good for you (me too). You can use any other edition to: 1. remove Store 2. disable Windows Defender together with its updates 3. block telemetry, etc. through Group Plicy (or its corresponding registry).