I know the lens cleaning disc, but the lens cleaning software, i was interested in (rhetorical question )
Getting lens cleaning software is kinda like downloading more memory for your pc. I had at one time a light scribe burner but never used it, I can't say I have heard anything good about them. They burn images very slowly... and only in shades of black
That's why i always used to use printable disks, just put them in a Canon Pixma disk printer and the results were stunning, but after the inkt was used up in my Pixma 925 series aio, i never got new inkt for it, as some already did post, the need for burned stuff is gone.
This is old technology and it is obsolete. As obsolete as a floppy this days. Why bother with it if USB 3.x sticks of big size are very cheap now? Even a USB 2.0 device is faster than reading/writing to a CD or DVD. Since about 2 years or maybe more i don't use any CD or DVD disc. Iso images can be extracted and run from USB devices (External HD, sticks, Micro-SD, etc), same goes for music, images and videos.
and still reliable, backing stuff up to dvd has got me out of the s**t many times. at some point i will look into blu ray for backup porpoises.
Ive only had disc rot on dvd movies, year/2 years unplayable, WAMO, warner advanced media operations. Not had it on rewritable discs by tdk sony and verbatim.
You can buy a HDD of 2 TB capacity + a USB 3.x HDD enclosure, for less than the price of a blu ray read/write device + the blu ray discs required to get 2 TB storage. And it can be plugged to any PC, not only the PC with a blu ray read/write device.
and a hdd/ssd/usb key can be easily wiped during a brain fart, this has happened on a few occasions. to erase a dvd i have to load nero, select erase disc. optical discs are less susceptible to brain farts, even rewritables.
I dont have a lot of space availible as it is and another pc will take up too much room so im looking at a laptop for internet and pc for workstation, a usb hdd box suits my needs better and the mx1 had a rather good built in cooler. will bide my time and see what crops up.
Didn't you post that picture with all the mainboards stocked up (or was it boyonthebus)? A bare 2 bay nas (synology) can be found for approx. 150 euro/dollar, drives can be as expensive as you like. No space needed, not the power consumption of a real pc either.
Yeah but stuff boxed up dont take much room, you need desk space for another pc. a test bench can quickly be put together and taken apart as and when needed. i'll find something suitable in time.