List of "Things to Do" Immediately After a Windows 10 Installation

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by November_Zulu, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. November_Zulu

    November_Zulu MDL Junior Member

    Jul 21, 2015
    #81 November_Zulu, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Okay, so when I posted the idea of creating a list, I really wanted a LIST. Thanks for all the comments. I've gone through them 3 times and have picked out those suggestions that I thought were serious (compared to "format c: drive") and useful (vs. a mass of manual registry edits that only certain people can do).

    Below find a list of quotes from posts that I pulled to make the above. If you feel I've missed your serious suggestion, post a quote of it in the thread. Also feel free to add any others for consideration. Note, the general idea I'm trying for is a list of things MOST people should do in order make Windows 10 a general, overall, functioning Operating System. Most people aren't going to use Visual Studio (you geeks), and everyone prefers a different anti-virus. I'm mentioning Pale Moon because I'm promoting it. Everyone knows Firefox and Chrome exists. I think the basic idea I had for the browser was that the Windows Edge/Internet Explorer kind of sucks. Are they the same thing? Can this edge thing be made to be more functional? My latest horror story/example today was that putting a "Home Page" icon on that stupid Windows Edge thing was considered an "Advanced Setting".

    That's just f**king retarded, Microsoft.

  2. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    Would you mind to share that script, please? Or even an example would do...

  3. azlvda

    azlvda MDL Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    #83 azlvda, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015
    wrong post sorry
  4. Foreseenothe

    Foreseenothe MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2015
    #84 Foreseenothe, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    Still works for me!
  5. Krutonium

    Krutonium MDL Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2013
    #85 Krutonium, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    No longer uses wget, though you can probably install it easily enough ;)

    @echo off
    Echo Adding Chocolatey...
    Powershell -command "Get-Packageprovider chocolatey"
    Echo Chocolatey Added.
    Echo Installing Apps...
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name VLC -Force
    echo VLC Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name Firefox -Force
    echo Firefox Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name Steam -Force
    echo Steam Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name Minecraft -Force
    echo Minecraft Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name notepadplusplus.install -Force
    echo Notepad++ Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name VisualStudio2013Ultimate -Force
    echo Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Installed
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name google-chrome-x64 -Force
    echo Google Chrome Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name spotify -Force
    echo Spotify Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name qbittorrent -Force
    echo qBittorrent Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name skype -Force
    echo Skype Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name gimp -Force
    echo Gimp Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name dropbox -Force
    echo Dropbox Installed.
    Powershell -command Install-Package -Name OpenOffice -Force
    echo OpenOffice Installed.
    'Tis a Batch file. Remove the "pause" and you can run it during windows setup as an unattended install if you want.

    To find more applications, run powershell, and do this:

    Find-Package -Name SearchTerm

    For example:

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> find-package -Name chrome
    Name                           Version          Source           Summary
    ----                           -------          ------           -------
    GoogleChrome                   44.0.2403.89     chocolatey
    google-chrome-x64              44.0.2403.89     chocolatey
    GoogleChrome-AllUsers          26.0.1410.64     chocolatey       Google Chrome Offline Installer- for all users
    adblockpluschrome              chocolatey
    GoogleChrome.Canary            28.0.1461.0      chocolatey       Google Chrome Canary has the newest of the new Chro...
    ChromeDriver2                  2.10             chocolatey       ChromeDriver is a webdriver server for chrome
    GoogleChrome.Dev               27.0.1453.12     chocolatey       Google Chrome Dev is released once or twice a week ...
    SeleniumChromeDriver2          0.9              chocolatey       Selenium Chrome Driver 2
    EthanBrown.ChromeDevExtensions 0.0.2            chocolatey       Chrome extensions for web development.
    EthanBrown.ChromeCanaryDevE... 0.0.2            chocolatey       Chrome Canary extensions for web development.
    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>
    In this case, I chose google-chome-x64.
  6. TziMmys

    TziMmys MDL Junior Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    #86 TziMmys, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

    What All these do and is indeed no 3 a dangerus one to do?

    I can understand some of them, but can anyone clear these up? And does averyone agry with these?
  7. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    What you're talking seems about the boundary of OEM Licenses which are differs quite a lot from the normal MS Licenses!

    Anyway, as long as we didn't know how exactly Microsoft will handle the transfer of the licenses from either Windows 7 and/or Windows 8/8.1 we could just speculate. Personally I think, the best would be that Microsoft will move the Licenses/Product Keys from the old OS Database to the new of Windows 10. That would be the most easy way for to avoid 'double' use of the same P-Keys for both the old OS and Windows 10! Phone activation will still be in place, me think!

    I could be wrong, it's just what I think will happen!
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  8. peck1234

    peck1234 MDL Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    1. Upgrade 7 to 10
    2. Format HDD clean install 10
    3. Disable Page File
    4. Disable System Restore
    5. Turn off all minimize maximize animations
    6. Turn off enhance pointer precision
    8. Disable Windows Defender
    9. Drivers and updates
    10. Enjoy 10
  9. UltimateGTR

    UltimateGTR MDL Member

    Jul 18, 2009
    The Remove Windows 10 Apps script does not work for me, the window disappear within 1 second.
    I'm creating my own script too and stuck on gaining administrator rights automatically, only open poweshell as admin manually and paste the commands work.
  10. ericgl

    ericgl MDL Senior Member

    Mar 10, 2011
  11. pawX

    pawX MDL Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    Looks like some of these don't actually work (Enterprise version).

    For example, even if you set:
    Allow Automatic Updates immediate installation -> DISABLED
    Configure Automatic Updates -> ENABLED; set to "Notify for download and notify for install"
    Turn on Software Notifications -> ENABLED
    Turn on recommended updates via Automatic Updates -> ENABLED

    If you then scan for updates, despite the fact that Windows Update shows you that it's set to "Notify to download", it will still automatically download and install immediately (I verified this by uninstalling an update and then rescanning with the settings above). I even tried rebooting before doing so, just in case the settings need a reboot to stick.

    Also, despite turning on recommended updates, Windows Update does not find the Silverlight download, while the tool MS provided to hide updates does find it.
  12. ericgl

    ericgl MDL Senior Member

    Mar 10, 2011
    #92 ericgl, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2015

    BTW, the previous post has been updated with a new photo, as I configured some more settings, and added clarifications in red text.

    EDIT: After pressing "Check for updates ", if there's a definitions update for Windows Defender, it still downloads automatically, without asking me first. :mad:

    Guess I'm moving on to the Enterprise LTSB version.
  13. Hotbird64

    Hotbird64 MDL Developer

    Jan 5, 2013
    #93 Hotbird64, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015
    1. During installation do not use "Express Settings" and answer no to all questions. Be especially sure to disable SmartScreen which is a spying feature. When running the Chrome Download App (Internet Explorer) be sure NEVER to click on "recommended settings" because it will re-enable spying
    2. KMS activate
    3. Create new a local account for day2day use
    4. Disable the M$ account (I will temporarily re-enable the M$ account if I want new insider builds. I'll keep it disabled, because M$ knows the password and can logon to my machine)
    5. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System set LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy to DWORD 1 to allow access to C$ shares from other machines and EnableLinkedConnections to DWORD 1 to use my network shares from admin command prompts.
    6. Install Chrome (Note: Windows 10 has two Chrome Downloader apps: IE and EDGE)
    7. Remove Chrome Downloader App 2 (Spartan/Edge) from start menu
    8. Install Cygwin including sshd, gcc, MingW-w64 and cross-compilers for 32-bit cygwin and 32-bit MingW-w64
    9. Install Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate and 2015 Enterprise
    10. Install Eclipse CDT (IDE for gcc and gdb)
    11. Install Office 2016 preview
    12. Uninstall all cripple apps (aka Metro/Modern/Universal apps) like News, Weather, Bing, Stocks, .... (only fill up my start menu with garbage)
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  14. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    I think you should just stick with Windows 7, and disconnect from internet. You are way to paranoid to use a computer for anything other than the casual game of solitaire.
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  15. littlecx

    littlecx MDL Novice

    Aug 29, 2013
    where is 7.?
  16. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    Maybe that is something we can't talk about on this forum. ;)
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  17. pawX

    pawX MDL Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    Yeah, it's a shame. I hope they fix it but I'm not counting on it.
  18. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    After getting my free Pro upgrade:
    1. Shut PC down.
    2. Swap my HDD once again.
    3. Fire up my Win8.1.3, I love it... :D:p
  19. omgbbqit

    omgbbqit MDL Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    #99 omgbbqit, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2015
    Again the hilariousness of people against spying and pro privacy... who immediately install Google Chrome. Clearly wasting anything else they do by handing over all their data nice and directly to one of the NSA's friends. Thus why bother? :rolleyes:
  20. peck1234

    peck1234 MDL Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    you need to disable windows defender through group policy. This will stop the updates from even showing up.