THanks! Trying to find a good ISO for CB. Would an RTM version work? WOuld an in place upgrade cause activation issues? Thanks again!!!!
Oh no but then you would have "The problem is that Windows 10 LTSB is intentionally missing several important programs like Cortana, Edge and the Store." M$ is famous for making competitions software not work with there OS's ..... just ask corel .... it's nothing personal Regards
I really see no difference with services between enterprise and ltsb at this stage as long as you manually update and run the ISO though the meat grinder to remove appz. Unfortunately with every release the app versions change. Have not tested if the short version works as packages yet. Regards
Sure not different at all (at least installing the win32calculator ). Personally I was very pleased to use the N version. But now I can't because the WMC port. WMC works almost pefectly with lav codecs at least here in Europe, but a bunch of other media things are still needed. Anyway the LTSB hs the advantage of being (almost) ready to go
So without reading hundreds of lines of info. Anyone on pro who wants a CBB would need to have the system managed by using Windows Server Update Services, otherwise the WU is using CB. Using Windows Update is using CB, Current Branch is not a OS or a different aspect of the versions, CB an CBB are only different in how updates are managed.
Except that enabling the 'Defer Upgrades' option puts the device on the CBB. The updates are then still managed by WU.
Not true CBB as that only prevents the installation of the next Current Branch release, as I said before, placing it on system managed is CBB.