M$ Windows Server 2008 R2 7600.16385.090713-1255

Discussion in 'Windows Server' started by lsd1938, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. eAndy

    eAndy MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2007
    dont answer him, any explanations are useless, you cant convince him, his mind is wicked... lookin for something that he already has...
  2. Optic

    Optic MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    #62 Optic, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  3. Optic

    Optic MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    Hi ennio,

    No worries. I cannot explain why you are getting a different file than I am. I have downloaded that file twice (once at home and once at work) and both times I got the correct SHA-1 (ad855ea913aaec3f1d0e1833c1aef7a0de326b0a).

    I've done nothing clever. I discovered this post, followed the links, got the file and checked the SHA-1. I am completely against getting any kind of unofficial ISO and until I saw this post I had not bothered with any of the home-made bootable ISOs. I thought I would give this one a go and it came out good.

    The only thing I don't understand is how do people know what the official SHA-1 is anyway? Does Microsoft publish this information?

    So I have downloaded a file, and the SHA-1 is ad855ea913aaec3f1d0e1833c1aef7a0de326b0a which everyone says is "unmodified official ISO". The only bit I still wonder about is how people know what the SHA-1 is supposed to be in the first place? The SHA-1 of all the ISOs seems to be "common knowledge" before the ISOs have ever been released and I don't understand how. :)

  4. yogmo

    yogmo MDL Novice

    Jul 27, 2009
    #66 yogmo, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
    download image from that site a couple times now, every time it finishes with a few missing kbytes when comparing file sizes site says it should be and what is actually downloaded. Not sure what could be causing this but I downloaded it with multiple machines over an att dsl connect with same result.

    update: this was with firefox 3.5, trying with a diff download manager.
  5. yogmo

    yogmo MDL Novice

    Jul 27, 2009
    ok so, after using downthemall addon for firefox I was able to get those last few bytes, for some reason using the builtin download manager for firefox 3.5, you don't get the last few kbytes of the iso. This solved my problem with the 2k8 iso's
  6. ennio

    ennio Guest

    You just explained why I had the same SHA1 017**** even I used the different PC's and different download methods, both Fire Fox and IE 8. The only logical explanation is the server that is used for hosting those files, Apache 2.2.3 and Nginx 0.7.61. I really never had that problems with IIS.

    At the end, files that I had were not original because server "touched" them, not the uploader RAF-9600.

    Thank you for the info.
  7. Simon77

    Simon77 MDL Novice

    May 29, 2009
    #69 Simon77, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
    Hi all,

    I was reading this thread & just d/l it from the site in this thread. Was nice & fast, thanks! These are the hashes, though I'll wait awhile before actually burning it onto a DVD+RW for testing, just to make sure it's really "untouched". I had also d/l both the wzor "touched" iso's & spent a half hour padding the file so as to recover it using utorrent, first had to d/l a block or so to find the offset shift, was at about 98% complete on both.

    Anyhow, can someone confirm if this is the final "untouch" Microsoft ISO? HashTab shows:

    2,996,799,488 bytes
    CRC32: F111FF61
    MD5: 0207EF392C60EFDDA92071B0559CA0F9
    SHA-1: AD855EA913AAEC3F1D0E1833C1AEF7A0DE326B0A

    I noticed a user was having problems getting the right hashes, I used getright & a nice packet-normalizing x86-based firewall-router. I love Mozilla for browsing, BUT hate Mozilla & IE8 as a down-lo*der as sometimes it will lop off files near the end & claim it's complete. If your file size is the same as those above & have diff hashes, then I have no idea.
  8. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    Simon77, yes it is the right iso
  9. jcbc

    jcbc MDL Novice

    May 26, 2009
  10. Optic

    Optic MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009
    Hi All,

    It does seem like the server itself is dodgy and that explains why ennio kept getting a corrupt download.

    For what it is worth - I have downloaded it twice using Flashget as the download manager (at both locations) and both of my downloads have had the correct SHA-1.

    It is the right file - you just have to be careful to get a good download of it. :)

  11. Simon77

    Simon77 MDL Novice

    May 29, 2009
    #73 Simon77, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
    @sebus: Thanks for the confirmation!

    @jcbc: GetRight is Great! I'm still using v5.2d, an older release, as it is the simplest & most stable one I've tested. GetRight seems to behave well when confronted with "buggy" servers. A reason why people like torrents/ed2k quite a bit is cuz the Internet is now filled with buggy routers or isp's injecting bad packets etc... and they're suppose to auto resend broken packets. I had nearly 2GB of hash fails on one of my torrents, isn't tcpip suppose to contain error correction code?:mad:

    I've also heard good things about Free Download Manager, although a bit more complex. With GetRight, I know I probably shouldn't have, but I opened 4 simultaneous connections at once so that my d/l would saturate most of my connection.

    Also, a good packet-normalizing router that is somewhere in part of you net that does "scrubbing" is a must, in my opinion.
  12. yogmo

    yogmo MDL Novice

    Jul 27, 2009
    using the downthemall add-on for Firefox, and entering the sha1 for all the files, I was able to pull every iso for win7 and 2k8 flawlessly, a small note, Firefox's built-in handled the hyper v iso fine but that's under 2gb, I wonder if there's something about iso's over 2gb that run into this. Again all went perfect on first try with downthemall, but with Firefox built-in they were all wrong.
  13. Simon77

    Simon77 MDL Novice

    May 29, 2009
    I stopped using Firefox to d/l files when on easy-share or deposit-files, some files larger than a hundred MBytes were being completed (as stated by Firefox), when in fact they were only about 50-80MBytes, obviously when trying to unzip/rar, it shows the file as being corrupted. ISO's over 2GB were often times failed to d/l, even from Microsoft's servers. That's where GetRight REALLY shines. It continues where the connection broke and will actually rewind or rollback a couple KB (user selectable) before continuing, something IE8 or Firefox and some d/l managers does not do.
  14. jcbc

    jcbc MDL Novice

    May 26, 2009
    Yes, you are right. Using "getright" i have these results:

    CRC32: F111FF61
    MD5: 0207EF392C60EFDDA92071B0559CA0F9
    SHA-1: AD855EA913AAEC3F1D0E1833C1AEF7A0DE326B0A

    Everything is ok! Thank you all!
  15. lsd1938

    lsd1938 MDL Novice

    Jul 6, 2009
    Hey Why Dont you use torrents to download
    torrents have inbuilt check sum to calculate packets
    So torrents never have corrupt downloads....
    Since these releases have many seeder now Speed will be not an issue
  16. Simon77

    Simon77 MDL Novice

    May 29, 2009
    Some are STILL not available on torrents & http downloading is MUCH faster, probably due to ISP throttling.
  17. ennio

    ennio Guest