Magic or Reality?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by timesurfer, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. jayblok

    jayblok MDL Guru

    Dec 26, 2010
  2. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  3. half Man Half Biscuit

    half Man Half Biscuit MDL Addicted

    Jun 1, 2011
    BUAHAHHAHAHAHA omg R29K,sorry Jay my only girlie friend in MDL but that was funny
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  4. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    We are equipped with certain perceptive capabilities necessary for our survival in this universe. We can perceive only those aspects of our environment which our brain/body system can perceive. Also our perceptions are a combination of sensed information plus beliefs built in to our memory by previous experiences and learning. For example a dog is a dog because it is perceived as a dog.

    There was a time when (we) humans believed the earth is flat and the sun was a disc which rises in the east and sets in the west. It was absolute/objective truth for many centuries until some smart guy found out it is not true. Similarly all our absolute truths have undergone transformation as we probed deeper.

    As a free thinker I do not believe in the existence of absolute/objective truths. I am not saying life is just an illusion. It is true for me at my level of perception. But what I perceive and believe are not absolute/objective truths.

    Here is a quote from Einstein.
    “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us ‘universe’, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.”

    When the entire humanity has the same delusion it becomes their truth, but not an absolute truth. That is my opinion.
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  5. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Sir,I agree with you. According to physicist David Bohm matter is an illusion caused by the spherical in-out waves in space and what we perceive as universe is caused by a wave motion of space. It is not a tested or proven theory but sounds sensible to me. If it is true then reality is a wave motion of space; a continuous change which cause an illusion of objects.
    In that case reality is continuous change or a lack of permanency. Would we call that absolute reality? :confused:
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  6. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Not everyone is perceiving through just being a body! This is where you miss the point over and over. You also sound and reference science which again has no unified field theory thus has no clue. Anyone in that spectrum of analization and linear mind "thinking" can only regurgitate science when in contrast the shaman would know greater things in experience not "theory". When you catch yourself projecting limits of your experience and "common perceptions" it might be time to spend more time listening and less time quoting guys who in their genius could not give a unified field theory

    Now I can work with this ;)

    Here we go

    The Mayan calendar frequencies are that original/core wavelength of which the physical manifests and demanifests

    Question is, in this thread are these illusionists actually using the cosmic higher levels to do the impossible or like most are regurgitating, are they "just putting one by us" or tricking us without tuning into or facilitating usage of higher cosmic powers

    "It's a manipulated way to preceive the illusionary world" as Yen says

    I mean if these guys are levitating are people viewing it as a trick or real actual mystic ability

    My premise in starting this thread is are they doing mystical things like teleportation and manifesting/de-manifesting off of the universal reality and how the cosmos works that modern science and most dudes even Einstein don't have a clue to cause they are thinking not resonating with the magical workings of the universe :yoda:


    I am not sure this statement is logically sound

    "It's a manipulated way to preceive the illusionary world"

    Please "prove" me wrong
  7. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    Majic 101- Majic is black or white

    Black - Self serving agenda

    White - For the good of all

    Black example - Gossip. Gossip is a black magic practiced commonly in our culture to give the illusion of some exclusive knowledge of something that feeds ones ego and is probably the most destructive form of black magic commonly practiced. The christian anecdote "Though shalt not bare false witness"

    White example - Prayer. Prayerful intent from a true heart (for the good of all) can reach across galaxies to change the vibratory qualities in a given geographic location. Changing what is discordant to be in harmony with all around it.
  8. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    I'm pretty sure everyone knows bad and good intents

    Question is and on topic how does it work

    Is the universe limited or unlimited, unified or un-unified

    What is the root of "magic"

    What initiates intending harm. Is this human only. Do the planets "beings" or planetary being have to do with it. Solar being, Galactic. Hunab Ku

    If Hunab Ku is the root of all is Hunab Ku also a dark wizard.

    How does a system, planetary, solar, galactic fall into physical only based consciousness

    When that system falls what being or level of consciousness doesn't fall and can view for instance the historical cycle with it's dark magic characters

    You are a professor now (Majic 101), :eek: so you should have fun with these questions

    Also I think your post is best suited for the Hard to tell thread although I would never be limiting to how you should express your self so it is also applicable here as well :gathering:
  9. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #29 redroad, Feb 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Question? Are your threads started with the intent to prove to yourself and others that you know more or are you really willing to let others bring their sacred point of view into the discussion however irrelevant you perceive it to be with equal validity.

    You advise to others to listen yet I am willing to bet you have not heard the beat of your own heart for awhile. :yoda:listen to your own words

  10. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #30 timesurfer, Feb 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    lol...My words are fine your just not that councious of yourself and not that experienced with personal transformation. Have you been reading your information off a card in a metaphysical book store or actually have grown beyond what some wannabe shaman has told you truths to be true I read my posts before writing over and over to make sure those with open hearts not closed ones will receive reflection of what is true for me

    I mean you write seemingly peaceful and elegantly put words but they feel lacking in experience like you still don't seek answers inside yourself but are too open and thus programmed and not neatrual to learning and growing as a spirit

    I see you've chosen sides as I saw you might in pm an posts but really I thinks it's time to turn your eyes inward and stop gaining so-called insight via you tube videos and occasional clan meetings

    Wisdom is knowing yourself and it seems you still reflect off of what is outside of you not inside of you :yoda:

    Much to let go of this one has to do yes he he he :yoda:

    Trying to prove things to get attention this padawan does when indeed no answer lies outside of him indeed :yoda: nor does validation of self exist outside one's self

    p.s And you didn't answer any of my questions cause you really don't know :p

    You seen more like spaced out hippie that has yet to realize the great spirit than actual indigenous tuned into nature and it's inner workings :eek:

    lol...Have you even read the first post OMFG :eek:

    I even intended to have this thread be open to belief not just spiritual is right and all else is wrong ;)
  11. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    I have read many of your first posts and I have seen the carnage of words you leave behind the first time someone disagrees with you. Your questions IMHO are always predisposed to an agenda that warrants no response from me. If your words are any indication of what you think you know about me, It only clarifies how little you know about yourself. It saddens me how unwilling you are to receive the many gifts the universe has left for you.
  12. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #32 timesurfer, Feb 3, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2012
    You sound like a robot :robot: not anyone having any sense of self or self-refection of higher energies or cosmic elements that benefit the masses. Perhaps your home life does not let you extend yourself further than your dogma would allow you to know. Knowing one's self is a internal thing not a "I bought the self at Target" and now I fit in

    Quick reality check:

    You are not a healer of men but maybe someday you will let go of ego and reach for the true guidance of the ancestors :p

    You guide people only as far as you have gone which causes harm not healing so let those who remembered Hunab Ku remember and those who wish to play pretend shaman, like you, keep waiting for what is in front of you right now. Great Spirit

    I suggest you change clans, maybe hang out with the Hopi a real enlightened indiginous group with no self interest but genuine source based loving intentions

    lol...You still didn't answer my simple questions
  13. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    #33 Alphawaves, Feb 3, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2012
  14. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    One thing that is clear to me is the scorched earth approach you want to take this is still working for you or why else would you continue in this manner. One post after another where you have arrived at some glimpse of the truth but have very little that is necessary to keep it relevant to your daily experience in life. Like I said Your questions IMHO are always predisposed to an agenda that warrants no response from me and your continued need to point that out only proves the point.

    These are your words;

    "And how lucky are we to have good souls like redroad to keep this ancient memory alive and to share it under the gun of history and it's associates "

    It must be lonely where you are. My heart goes out to you. My advise to you is to let this rest and try to get to the bottom of why you have a need to carry on in this manner.
  15. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #35 timesurfer, Feb 3, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2012
    Well I had a very validating communication for both of our responses but due to this websites and my ISP interesting down time it was erased and I didn't save it so :suicide:

    So I'll just say this. Instead of being defensive in relation to your post I think I'll disagree and send a huge hug to you and hope you feel how awesome that hug is cause I won the world championship hug competition in Europe and so my hugs are pretty rad dude. I really am not smart enough to have hidden agenda to do threads with hidden purpose nor am I that lonely nor is this dialogue that big a deal compared to dialouges via the internet. I wish our convo was so important but most believe way different than you and I so that in itself is validating to both of us ;)

    Take care and see you in the music thread

    Remember to save your threads like I didn't do so any prophetic communication coming through you is not lost like our memory in our historical cycle seems lost and hard to remember our creator. It is as simple as remembering where we left our watch but more important is remembering the Great Spirit :yoda:

    All my feeling and all my remembrance of our common source to you

    Love TS ;)
  16. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  17. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #37 timesurfer, Feb 4, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2012