Tomorrow I will tell you and. They take the time to compress about 22GB?? As background compression ago to check "get-dedupjob" as I do. Another cmd: powershell get-dedupjob well? After each of the commands have to wait for something? Code: You're scripting a lot of things that I never mentioned to script. with scripting you have to handle arguments differently and run powershell commands differently Do not quite understand it means Thanks for your time
Not really... maybe a few minutes... I mentioned using diskpart in cmd prompt, not scripting them... You can just run admin prompt and then type "diskpart" to enter diskpart... Also the same with powershell within cmd prompt
I do not miss anything impossible. Tested with the vhd you windows 7, making the whole process, creating the VHD and then copying all archvos are about 53GB and I get in a 50GB, far from its 4 GB and soon. Something is missing and I leave today all day trying and nothing thanks
Just got this going on a 3TB physical drive. So far no errors and it is consuming resources doing something. I just started it with 38GB of files to test. 9 files in and saved 12.65 GB already? This might make me wallet happy since I keep getting more and more drives for my collections lol Code: PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-DedupStatus -Volume E: FreeSpace SavedSpace OptimizedFiles InPolicyFiles Volume --------- ---------- -------------- ------------- ------ 2.69 TB 12.65 GB 9 32 E: FYI: Win8.1 ENT fully updated
Yah I did it on my torrent drive and it works like a charm. It's good for me since I often deal with similar iso files.
I have no shortage of iso's and many are very similar. Threat kept telling me to do it, I finally took some time today to try it out. But he suggested install Server 2012, but I didn't wanna! lol This is great, thanks everyone who contributed.
Would something like Dedup work on a Google Drive, or Skydrive/ Onedrive? Not planning to, but simply curious.
It's a feature within the OS itself, if you could map the drive to be local.. that I am unsure of, but couldn't see why not.
Yeah, just installed the official Google drive, very different to the Gdrive I used years ago. Back then it was a drive letter drive, unofficial hack of Gmail. Now it's just a Dropbox thing, useless. So no good for DeDup.
Data Deduplication Savings Evaluation Tool This tool might be useful for those interested in Microsoft Data Deduplication. It'll estimate how much space you can save before actually running it. Note: This tool will not run on system, boot or Data Deduplication enabled volumes. After installing the feature, open up the Command Prompt and use ddpeval.exe. For example, Code: // Estimating I drive ddpeval I: Code: // Estimating data folder on I drive ddpeval I:\data Usage: Spoiler ddpeval <path> [/V] [/P] [/E] [/O:<filepath/name>] <path> Drive, directory or share to be evaluated. /V Verbose. /P Process files in use. /E Process files with extended attributes. /O Output to file. <filepath/name> Output file name. /? Help. Sample Result: Spoiler C:\Users\Administrator>ddpeval I:\data Data Deduplication Savings Evaluation Tool Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Evaluated folder: I:\data Evaluated folder size: 13.97 GB Files in evaluated folder: 1344 Processed files: 948 Processed files size: 13.97 GB Optimized files size: 12.82 GB Space savings: 1.15 GB Space savings percent: 8 Optimized files size (no compression): 13.14 GB Space savings (no compression): 851.49 MB Space savings percent (no compression): 5 Files excluded by policy: 396 Small files (<32KB): 396 Files excluded by error: 0
FileDrive is now, kind of dead. Hello murphy78, Many thanks for sharing all these great VHD's Can I place a request? Can you re-upload (when you get some free time -> no hurry) the above collections to another fireshare service, please? Because FileDrive is now, kind of dead. Thanks in advance, Regards, FJorgeR.