The "Restoring System Files Please Wait" takes FOREVER. In some cases I would just force the restart and the results would still be successfull.
MBR Regenerator does not only clean, but repairs all files in the folder even more important to the windows just all the modified files in the System32 folder, not few, are all; You may notice that any patched file in the folder will be restored, such as shell32.dll, uxtheme.dll etc. So not only are a "clean", but a full restoration of all files in the system32 folder In addition to clearing the MBR, uninstall the current key, and returns the windows trial mode ...
Is there any way that this can be used with a command prompt? I used HAL 7600 on my WHS Vail Beta, but after rebooting the server all I can see is a cursor and a black screen, with no way to uninstall it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Hello! I'm kinda having a problem with the down link. Sooo... is it just me, or the link isn't working?
v2.0 realeased! - Added Sfix by anemeros - SFC Scanner freeze bug solved - Sfix now is used to restore sfc and slmgr files from the winsxs folder saving space - Explorer.exe is closed on procedure is working - Detection of the operating system running and architeture was very well optimized and is much safer - After finishing the procedure, there is a msgbox asking press ok to restart - Size is very optimized - SFC Scanner is now visible - Fixed some bugs that I could detect, tested many times, and really is very stable
MBR Regenerator threw me back to 30 days trial period when i fixed my mbr, so you can be pretty sure it can fix the problem.
I am that guy from timesurfers thread. It took me some time to prepare for restoring my boot manager if MBR Regenerator removes it. Although I now read in timesurfers thread that I should not use a boot manager with IR5. Nevertheless, after being prepared I run the MBR Regenerator. Unfortunately it did not help. I let it run completely, even that long sfc scan in the end again. It directly sayd the same thing in the system properties, that I have 3 days till an automatic activation will take place. I also tried to uninstall and reinstall IR5 after that. But no change. - system properties 3 days till an automatic activation - IR5 status is ok - slmgr /dlv says 30 days I even did not reinstall my boot manager yet. Any idea how I can fix the system? Maybe I wait 1.5 hours and I will know whether it really reduces from 3 to 2 days.