Sorry, my bad, I thought I was using a retail from the beginning, and turns out I was using the only volume one I have in my collection.
I really don't understand WHY sometimes I get this strange error of "compbatt.sys" missing I made the iso today As always I start from clean Windows 7 SP1 iso Used the latest MDL Win 7 Tool for SiMPLiX with UpdatePack7R2-22.12.14 I choose the x86 Single Index, Modern, Home Premium The whole process finished without any kind of error. Then I start the installation on the notebook... It copied all the files, and then at the very first reboot, black screen with "compbatt.sys missing" error!! If I look inside the new "install.wim", that file ain't there And it's not the only one missing, also "battc.sys" and "cmbatt.sys" are missing So I need to open the "install.wim" of the original and clean Windows 7 SP1 iso, extract those files to usb and with a linux live copy them inside the C:\Windows\System32\drivers folder Reboot the notebook and the Installation can go ahead Why?? I can't believe I am the only one who get this kind of error
You're not. Everyone can get it completely randomly. Just redo the integration. And no, it's not the tool, it's the UpdatePack itself.
There wasn't a NET Framework 4.8 update this month for Windows 7. I don't know if there's going to be a new NET Framework 4.8 add-on. I'll wait a few more days before creating a new Windows 7 install disc.
@Enthousiast, Hi there and Happy New Year. I got into a pickle with the latest Win 7 ISO install I created with the legacy tool. Now, the installation before that I had a wired ethernet connection. This time I have an IntelĀ® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 wifi card. When the Installation finished there was no internet connection. No amount of coaxing life into network and settings helped. Device manager showed network controller with The exclamation mark of doom. Also in device manager bluetooth should be the entry said Bluetooth radios. I found an AC 8265 executable among my collection of 7 drivers but the installation did not change anything. My memory may be faulty but I don't recall an internet setup option during installation. I have already deleted the installation but would still like to install this final fully update version of windows 7. Have you any advice for me about the wi-fi business. On Win 10 it appears to be detected with no user intervention which is like - good! Did I miss something during the installation process? I'm always with the process every inch of the way - but I suppose even the most observant person can be distracted. Although I reckon I would remember keying in the connection password - I hope. In the meantime I'm going to create another ISO with modern tool. I don't add any external drivers in the Simplix folders but maybe I should do from now on. All the best
@summersuns Legacy script integrates them fine: Code: ================================================================================ Integrating x64 Drivers into Install.wim... ================================================================================ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.22000.653 Mounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.22000.653 Image Version: 6.1.7601.17514 Searching for driver packages to install... Found 1 driver package(s) to install. Installing 1 of 1 - D:\SiMPLiX_AiO_ISO_FULL_Tool_4_0_23.1.11\Drivers\(W)LAN_7_x64\Intel_AC8265_21.40.5_x64\NETwsw04.INF: The driver package was successfully installed. The operation completed successfully. I never use the modern script but expected to be the same result.
Hello again and thank you for the advice. I added the extracted drivers to the same drivers folder as you did. I must admit at this point that I have never in all my time as simplix user ever chosen to allow drivers to be added to wim or anywhere else during initial set up - I have just discovered when I set out to burn the resulting ISO with Rufus that the size of the ISO is 7.7 GB - good grief. I take it then for your snippet indicating 1of 1 as opposed to 1 of 78 in mine was due to you removing all extraneous material from simplix full tool folders, eh? I'm not complaining btw, just reporting my naive astonishment. I had no idea such a huge amount of material resided there. best wishes from happy simplix tool user
My AiO ISO with all provided drivers and addons, created by the legacy script is just: Code: Name: Win_7_ESU_AiO_x64_en-US_SiMPLiXED_2023_01_11.iso Size: 5734924288 bytes (5469 MiB)
I wonder where the extra 2 GB come from for my output? As I indicated I've never added added anything from the script as I have all the original HP/ drivers and use only the bog standard en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677332.iso
I did manage to grab the output. I have attached the .txt file. I note that in this instance I used the x17-59465.iso and not the 67732 that I claimed above.