I think the /NoUSB switch will do that for you, but for the entire distribution, not just for winRE.wim. Otherwise, no, there's no temporary stop to part of the integration.
Here are the two lines in question. You can remove them from the .cmd file if you want, or simply use REM to comment out each line as he does when integrating drivers into install.wim. %_dism% /image:"%SystemDrive%\WinRE_Mount" /Add-Package /Packagepath:"USB3.x_Update\x64" %_dism% /image:"%SystemDrive%\WinRE_Mount" /Add-Driver /driver:"Drivers\USB3x_7_x64" /recurse /forceunsigned I also noticed the /NVMe swtich, which is no longer used, is still present in SiMPLiX.bat.
I assumed simplix didn't integrate the usb stuff into the winre wim, can't really read that in his info. Will remove the usb integration entirely from the script and let it be done by the updatepack.
KB2864202 and USB3 driver are now already included in latest UpdatePack7R2, and did well with boot, winre and install.wim. Just don't feel the need to do the same and increase the size of this Win7 Tool . Nod. With or without the /NVMe swtich will do the same.
I noticed in some "Code" it shows UpdatePack7R2 ntegrated KB2864202 into the winre.wim, so I REM the two lines like blkthorne said and tried, then found the USB/XHCI driver was ntegrated into it, too.
@Enthousiast I did a test and the Updatepack really integrates the USB drivers, both in winRE.wim as in install.wim and boot.wim index 2. Here the test LOG.txt and the verification images of the assembled files:
Aside from the drivers, as i don't know...It really works fine, no hassle Tested it on a Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 X64. Used the hide.ps1 script on setup, and all it gave me was 1 update = 2020-07 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7 2 Drivers and the Language packs Installed BypassESU-v7-AIO (3/7) Updated NET Framework 4.8 Installed the Powershell 5.1 update >>Win7AndW2K8R2-KB3191566-x64 All fine Then after awhile....can't say for sure what caused it tho....The Powershell update or a Win10Tel.cmd...?! WU again gives the: 2020-07 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB4565524) while it's already installed. Scanning for updates using WUMT, it don't shows that update (It's correct as it's already there) Nice script and great updatepack, keep up the good work hide.ps1 Code: <# .notes * original author mark berry (c) 2015 mcb systems all rights reserved free for personal or commercial use may not be sold #> $kbnumbers=971033,2952664,3021917,3068708,3080149,3172605,3184143,3150513,2902907,3140479,4493132,4524752,4519972,4520406 $x=0 try { $updatesession = new-object -comobject microsoft.update.session $updatesearcher = $updatesession.createupdatesearcher() $updatesearcher.includepotentiallysupersededupdates = $true $searchresult = $updatesearcher.search("isinstalled=0") foreach ($kbnumber in $kbnumbers) { [boolean]$kblisted = $false foreach ($update in $searchresult.updates) { foreach ($kbarticleid in $update.kbarticleids) { if ($kbarticleid -eq $kbnumber) { $kblisted = $true if ($update.ishidden -eq $false) { $x=1 " - hide kb$kbnumber" $update.ishidden = $true } } } } } } catch { } if ($x -eq 0) { " - no updates required to be hidden" } $objautoupdatesettings = (new-object -comobject "microsoft.update.autoupdate").settings $objsysinfo = new-object -comobject "microsoft.update.systeminfo" if ($objSysInfo.RebootRequired) { " - a reboot is required to complete some operations" }
Because win 7 is not supposed to run on pure efi systems, there are some workarounds but all have their pros and cons. The use of this tool has nothing to do with CSM enabled or not.
Привет ребята!!! Помогите мне пожалуйста, какие драйверы должны быть интегрированы для портов USB3.0, USB3.1 в boot.wim_x64 Windows7, если вы можете дать мне ссылку для их загрузки. Спасибо.