Updated the OP with: SiMPLiX_AiO_ISO_Full_Tool_2_3_20.10.15 Post #2 with: SiMPLiX_AiO_ISO_Bare_Tool_2_3_20.10.15 SiMPLiX_AiO_ISO_Tool_Addons_20.10.15 SiMPLiX_AiO_ISO_Tool_2_3_20.10.15_Scripts Updated post #3 with all new WA addon files, by @abbodi1406 Updated the OP of the simplix updatepack thread with UpdatePack 20.10.15: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...egrate-hotfixes-into-win7-distribution.45005/
@alnaloty You do understand you're talking about editing DLL files, right? As in: 1. It's wwwwaaaaaaaaaayyy beyond the purpose of this thread/tool. 2. It's not as simple as "adding an option".
the purpose of this thread/tool was to update win iso & my purpose was to add option to update background also so no need to edit or modify anything just add lines in script to copy files to install.wim & boot.wim
Download Resource Hacker and edit the .DLL file or the content of most any resource file yourself, quickly and easily.
I was just using the Simplix AiO tool and got a BSOD from Fvevol.sys, which is associated with Bitlocker. Bitlocker is turned off on every drive/partition and in services. Any opinions on whether it needs to be turned on? The script had just mounted the Wim and started to process the updates themselves in the EXE folder. thanks
I have a win 7 iso that contain only one edition [ the ultimate] so when executing the cmd batch file i must put the first choice [starter]. Would you make your script detect the edition of windows automaticly ? Thx.
Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone Just respondik a request from him here Please, you can delete this everything I posted
No, the tool is made for clean MSDN ISOs not for homebrew (nobody can't foresee what has been done to them), and what would be of use for 10?