Updated the OP of the Simplix UpdatePack thread with the latest 22.1.18 UpdatePack: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...egrate-hotfixes-into-win7-distribution.45005/
Activation method. Ultimate requires OEM SLP/retail key or Daz's win Loader v2.2.2. Enterprise requires a Multiple Activation Key (MAK) or Key Management Service (KMS). win 7 activation comparison table: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/posts/301705
Anyone know the procedure and/or syntax simplex is using to install these hotfixes? Specifically the method to install "with telemetry and processor check disabled"? For instance windows 7 is installed and updated to 21.12.15 and I'd like to just manually install, KB5010798-x86-x64, KB5008867-x86-x64, KB5009610-x86-x64 (telemetry/processor check disabled). I know you can just double click the package but just humor me. Thanks. And also @Enthousiast I think you have a typo in your last post "21.1.18" should be 22.1.18
Fixed (stupid new year). PS. this is not the updatepack thread, just use the packs to achieve what you want.
Unfortunately I didn’t understand much. I always installed win 7 on my old core 2 duo the following way: boot from win 7 pro clean iso, instal the monthly released update pack, instal video driver, done. Now this pc is dead and i got a new one with skylake. Tried to boot a clean 7 pro iso but its all usb 3.0 ports so after some googling here i am in this thread. All I understand is that this is the ultimate win 7 iso creator, not much else. Why is win 10 iso necessary for this? Is there a dumbed down guide of how to use this?
slowly getting there, can u explain pls: what are addons, i mean what do they do? if i downloaded latest update pack, are addons included in it? If not i see there are some addons in x64 folder, should i leave them as they are? multiple languages mostly Do i need to put something in OEM folder? what are the benefits? Do i need to use Ultimate? cant i use professional? I'm using legacy tool cause dont wanna download win 10 iso. Am i going to have the same result with legacy tool? Could you explain the last 2 lines of instruction pls: Change the SiMPLiX.bat file, option Spectre/Meltdown switch to your satisfaction (by default it's set to: /FixOFF, to enable change to /FixON) And finally run "W7_x86_x64_2.9_Legacy_WIN7_Based_ISO_ESU_With_AiO.cmd"
sorry for sounding so pedantic but i'm a complete noob and i want to build the ultimate windows 7 usb key that i can always fresh install from
The addons (provided by @abbodi1406) add directx9c, vcredist and dotnetfx48, for dotnetfx48 the langauge files are included. Only when you have a $OEM$ folder to include. As long as it's not the Professional VL ISO (which only contains Professional SKU). Should be, when the proper drivers for your hardware are provided. When you want to have the spectre/meltdown fixes to be enabled you can edit the SiMPLiX.bat files to /FixON instead of the default /FixOFF. That would be the legacy script.
thank you. About the addons should i clear the x86 folder full of addons? in the x64 folder should i delete the LPs that i dont need? So is it better to do do /FixON? no sure here cause i would imagine you would have made it on by default. The scrips runs by just doubleclick? In readme file "On 7 Host, install 19041 ADK" that link downloads a 1.2 gb iso. Is there a way to get this framework on a smaller .exe file?
Just leave it as it is, the script will pick the correct ones. It's up to you to set it how you want it, it's off by default because it also services x86 ISOs. Yes. Whatever win 10/11 non Insider Preview ADK setup you desire to use.
Why? im using modern tool and not legacy exactly to get the good drivers as you said. just unsure if i should use the latest win 10 iso or the 2016 one. i mean maybe the latest has better drivers? dont know maybe im completely wrong