Medical Marijuana - Compassion, Decriminalization, Human rights...

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by timesurfer, Nov 25, 2012.

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  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #241 gorski, Mar 23, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2013
    OK, Timey, I will now teach you a thing or two about yourself and life as such :D - NOT ONLY WHEN IT COMES TO THESE MATTERS, which is what I did so far (just speaking about the need for being a pot-head) - unlike you who just kept firing from all guns in all directions, whomever dared differ from you and your "considered musings :rolleyes: on the subject"!!! I repeat, so far I didn't speak in totalising terms, which is what you keep doing, attacking not a stance on something - but a person! Once again, so there is no misunderstanding: in this thread, my statements are qualified, if you know how to read. Yours aren't. You are tribal about this, I am not. :cool:

    Now, let's go figure why... :D

    You keep writing these utterly biased, tribal and fan-like, but also offensive and humourless posts - which points to lack of spirit and your arrogance! You're completely close-minded on the subject and that is a really bad thing in itself. But when you attack a person, especially somebody who attacked a need - not a person - that speaks volumes of the person making such leaps to conclusions!

    I would also suspect (I am not claiming this absolutely) that loadsa people who need the "calming down", usually have some kind of self-esteem issue(s) - typically being way too tense and full of some kind of pent-up aggression, hence the "I can't act socially without ciggies/alcohol/pot/etc." I see your posts full of venom a right proof of that.

    Being a good IT developer, maybe (I just don't know, hence "maybe" but I presume you are a good IT developer), does not make you qualified in everything, you know... For instance, a thinker you are not! Think about it - if you dare... :D Not that this would be the first time I got this arrogant attitude stance from a developer, thinking anyone who differs from him is a "bad person", which is typical of women, you know... :D

    So, you are a proverbial 'girly', really, arentcha? :D

    P.S. What goes on in a head like yours when you ignore EVERYTHING ANYONE SAYS 100000000%? Just how insecure are you, ffs?
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  2. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    oh, heck, gorski, old friend..

    i love your presence here..
    i find your ideas refreshing, usually.
    i appreciate your ability to apply
    philosophical thought to matters of
    everyday life. that is a thing that
    is not given to everyone, as i think
    i know better than most.

    that said, what are you saying now?

    other people using marijuana seems
    to be an issue for you. so be it.
    you may well have your very good
    reasons for that. you may disagree
    with them, and disapprove of it.
    all well and good..

    but there are worse things for
    people to do, than having some
    marijuana, if they think it does
    them good, in their situation, as
    you probably know as well as i do..
    things that do more harm to them,
    than just using marijuana.

    we are not gods, we are just people
    doing what we think is needed..
    and if a person has got a health
    issue, and feels marijuana will
    help him with that, then that is
    a-okay by me.. hope this will go
    some way to let you respect that

    it is no reason to call them
    girlie, or tribal, or insecure,
    or venomous.
    not in my book.
    please think about it.

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  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I am saying that when somebody says "you're a bad person" because of what I think on an issue - most likely he is a bad person, so I say it...:cool:

    That's all! I mean, if he's handing it out he better be prepared to take it on the chin, too... ;)

    Not for sissies, I know but I haven't started it, sooooo.... :)

    Otherwise, you're cool, I hope... :tea:
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  4. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    greetings from a cool cucumber, gorski,
    just thought i should try to put some
    perspective into things.. ;)
    and for petes sake, lets leave each others chins alone.. :D
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    That depends - if it's pretty...:D
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  6. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #246 timesurfer, Mar 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Off topic again and throughout this entire thread and everybody gets what you think but I'll reiterate it again

    gorski thinks or the lack there of thinking cause he's programmed by the media, bogus doctors and bogus laws

    No compassion, put cannabis users/patients in jail and ruin their families lives and people like you controls other humans rights based off of scare tactics and bogus propaganda regarding the unfounded and still cannabis prohibition

    That spells bad person and everyone knows it!

    Bad people support laws that unnecessarily cause harm. The drug war against cannabis only harms not helps! When dispensaries are around their is less crime in those neighborhoods.

    It isn't about opinions, it's about facts and the facts are

    0 deaths/year because of cannabis

    You can't admit that cause it blows your bogus perspective out of the water

    Stop trolling this thread and being off topic to ultimately ruin the actual discussion which again is

    Medical Marijuana - Compassion, Decriminalization, Human rights...

    And indeed you started all this drama about a thread that was meant to involve feeling and understanding not your regurgitated lies and hatred

    No information you have is qualified in the slightest! Where's your proof/evidence against cannabis? It's all in your head and what's in your head hurts people cause it's without understanding and causes unnecesary harm to humans. Event the doctors that lied in court regarding the early prohibition scandal renounced their "findings" and because the gov't likes to make money off of the suffering of the innocent to pay their bills, their is still masses like you that have no true information just opinions, not facts just wives tales, not understanding just insensitive criminal laws that keep greatly harming good people who use cannabis for whatever reasons

    Answer these questions:

    Does your heart work and if so where's the compassion in it? Do you know what compassion even is?

    Do you want people to go to jail and families lives ruined?

    Why allow things that cause all these deaths and yet cannabis, a proven, safe, effective, therapeutic herb is classified with all these real killers such as:

    Here is a list of annual deaths by each cause. This list should serve to show how ridiculous current marijuana prohibition is. Common, legal drugs like tobacco and alcohol are the leading causes of substance related death. Prescription drugs slip in at number three while suicides and even sexual fetishes result in more deaths than illegal drugs. Even aspirin kills more people than a natural, hardy herb called cannabis.
    Tobacco : 435,000
    Alcohol : 85,000
    Prescription Drugs : 32,000
    Suicide: 30,622
    Sexual Fetishes : 20,000
    All illegal drug use (excluding marijuana) : 17,000
    Aspirin : 7,600
    Marijuana : 0
    Why do you want their to be no compassion in this world? Why do you hate cannabis and it's users so much that they and their families should be behind bars and further suffering? Why do you want cannabis which attributes to no annual deaths to be classified with what really does cause many deaths? Why? Because your heart isn't working and people who don't care except for themselves are selfish and selfish and insensitivity are bad qualities in a person, not good qualities

    Do you think not being compassionate makes you a good person? Do you think putting good people in jail, whether their tribal, women, cancer patients or whatever in their U.S. constitutional rights they want to be is good?

    Do you really want control over people's human rights? Is controlling people who mind their own business a good quality?

    These are not good qualities in a human being! These bad qualities describe the insane!

    Is it insane to keep perpetuating the harm to cannabis users? Yes?

    Why should anyone listen to the insane? Why did the germans follow hitler even though his ideas and behaviors we're unspeakable and horrific? For the same reason you don't stand up to the Gov't. Because you are scared to?

    And you don't want to be targeted as against the Gov't because then you'll be hated so just keep scapegoating cannabis users and your off the hook. Sacrifice others and your life will be fine right? Always have someone else to be sacrificed and slain then you'll be safe?

    Your mind is a reflection of madness and illogical thinking

    I'm not scared like you because I see between the lines of this prohibition scandal and see the harm it causes first hand.

    Why did Oakland, a great community create the Measure Z? Because the city of Oakland recognizes that people who use cannabis are regular people and they felt it necessary to allow adult sales and to keep people out of jail regarding cannabis. They recognized that the cannabis laws are outdated and destroy lives not the drug cannabis itself!

    Measure Z: Oakland’s Alternative to the Drug War

    Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis

    How Cannabis Can Revolutionize Our Economy

    The Best Marijuana Documentary (Canadian)

    Marijuana - Documentary

    STOP TROLLING THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    first post appropriately updated:
  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Straw-man HUUUUGE fight, eh?:rolleyes::biggrin:

    As I said, not much to do with thinking, this...:bangin:

    Deffo, nothing to do with fairness - you're 'fighting', all right - but the wrong guy...:voodoo:

    Au revoir...:tea:
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  8. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #248 timesurfer, Mar 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Fatal drug overdoses in U.S. increase for 11th consecutive year

    38,329 people died of LEGAL drug overdoses in the United States in 2010
    Legal drugs, deadly outcomes

    People are literally DYING for relief and gorski is ok with that!

    He's ok with all this harm of which cannabis is not associated whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And that's ok?

    Is he right?

    Is all this harm ok?

    Are casualties ok regarding the war on cannabis/hemp in consideration it is for the greater good of mankind?

    If he doesn't support all this harm shouldn't he speak out against it? Is he even capable of doing the right thing?

    Is his heart broken? Is there anything good behind his chest? Is there even a heart behind his chest?

    Why does he insist on NO compassion, making criminals of normal/average people and having the human right of individuals always sitting with other people who do not care and act badly?

    Right thing is to have mercy, be understanding, show compassion, use founded logic, not put people in jail for being human and wanting relief without any chance of death!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Should people funded by the drug war with all it's casualties be allowed to do such harm cause they have the "power" to?

    Who will stand up to the gorskis of this world and end all unnecessary suffering?


    Change undoubtedly happens from within and but if he doesn't posses the ability to change do we have to suffer until he does?

    Will he go inside his heart and exchange the hatred and harm for love and compassion?

    Is he capable of such change of the heart?

    Is he being paid to post? Is he a real live narc?

    Did hackers just found out who this guy is really? Did they just get his address, phone number and everything about him?

    Will they be compassionate and not post such private information cause it's the right thing to do?

    Will they will allow him to remain anonymous in his hateful, uneducated and ignorant ways?

    Will they always know exactly who he is though?

    Will they show compassion and not expose who he is cause they're merciful and know the damage it would cause!

    Perhaps if gorski is merciful unto others like cannabis patients or recreational users so will these hackers be merciful upon him?

    Does the fact that all his personal information and private life is now available to be the affect of strangers make gorski angry? I mean he supports being in cannabis patients personal space and human rights? Is it right to be in people's personal business and habits if they are minding there own business?

    Is gorski minding his own business or is he, in support of the drug war against cannabis, actually in people's personal lives and participating in hurting them?

    Is he in his beliefs and support of the cannabis drug war violating human beings rights and lives? When you hurt cannibis using adults you enevitabley end up hurting their children that end up without parents to love them or they end up in foster homes, etc...

    Does God favor the merciful?

    Feel me now gorski?

    Truth is you get what you give. If you give harm then harm will come your way. If you want to be elbow deep in a persons private/personal life and affect them then you'll be affected. Leave people alone and you'll be left alone! Leave another womans family and child alone and your family and children will be left alone?

    Does the Golden rule apply to how you post from this point forth?

    time will tell?

    End the deliberate misinformation of cannabis/hemp
    End the deliberate invalid prohibition of cannabis
    End the deliberate harm to all cannabis patients and non-violent cannabis offenders
    End insanity

    p.s. If you believe the cannabis prohibition and drug war is an wicked endevour that victimizes innocent people then speak up and stand against these un-evolved creatures like gorski

    Don't be afraid to speak out against such terribly things and their supporters like gorski

    If you knew what I now know about him you'd have nothing to fear standing up to

    Cause of death (Data from 2009 unless otherwise noted)
    Number All Causes, 2009 2,437,163 
    Diseases of Heart 599,413 
    Malignant Neoplasms 567,628 
    Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases 137,353 
    Cerebrovascular Diseases 128,842 
    Lack of Health Insurance3 (2005) 44,789 
    Poisoning 41,592 Drug Overdose (2010)2 38,329 
    Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide) 36,909 
    Septicemia 35,639 
    Motor Vehicle Accidents 34,485 
    Firearm Injuries 31,347 
    Alcohol-Induced 24,518 
    Pharmaceutical Drug Overdose (2010) 22,134 
    Illicit Drugs (2000) 17,0004 
    Homicide 16,799 
    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 9,406 
    Viral hepatitis 7,694 
    Cannabis (Marijuana) 0
    See more at:

    Cannabis (Marijuana) 0 Deaths per year...

    0 = ZERO

    PAYMYRENT MDL Developer

    Jul 28, 2009
    This is correct. If it was so bad then why did the people of Washington state and Colorado legalize it for social use?

    I can talk because I have schizophrenia and the people around me notice that I am more normal when I am on it. If I go to a medical state the will let me have a card because of it. Do you watch the news? There was a young child with some medical problems and his father gave him some and it cleared up his symptoms and became manageable. What wrong with that? Is the father in the wrong for trying to give his son a chance at being normal? I personally don't think so.

    Sorry just had to put my 2 cents in.
  10. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #250 timesurfer, Mar 24, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2013
    You are a wise man PMR and quite the real programmer if I do say so myself ;)

    But remember that in dealing with the clone/sheep gorski he cannot receive genuine information of the heart and true logic cause he's still in the womb of ignorance and sacrifice of other people's children for his sadistic/inhumane hidden agenda?

    When this issue affects his personal and private life then, all of a sudden, he will have a change of heart :rolleyes:

    It is like this in all aspects of the historical cycle and it's madness. Only when the ignorant/gorski and their families are finally affected by their own actions and finally are made to feel the harm they cause to good people of earth, will they indeed take heed and cease their opposition unto true heart centered activists towards a less harm to humans world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I made a number of posts which directly contradict what you are now LYING is my position. In and around posts 184 etc. Medical use is OK by me, I said quite openly, not once!!! No ifs and buts!!!

    However... as for the rest - see my posts...

    But don't let that stop you being venomous, lying and so on...:rolleyes:
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  12. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Every post of yours lacks any true scientific proof and are a perfect reflection of invalid information on every level!

    Medicine is medicine but when the least toxic medicines are shrouded by yours and others prejudice and fabrications then we only have real unbiased doctors to determine what is medical. Every day more and more "authentic" Doctors have more evidence to show the extreme medical uses of cannabis like regarding cancer, stress and thousands of other medical and recreational uses cannabis is good for. Plenty of times doctors recommend recreation as therapy and unlike all the KILLER drugs/substances you support, cannabis has never in all time caused an overdose! NOT ONE TIME EVER! NOR WILL IT!

    So prejudice and fabrications about cannabis and it's users does not help anyone and your documented hatred and contempt of a legit medicine and it's participant's only says you wish to be against people having constitutional rights to cultivate and use the medicine they choose. And cannabis patients and recreational users choose a medicine that has and will never cause one fatality!

    Hence this is just a prejudice thing in your life with you hating on women, tribal people (whatever that means?) and an obvious fear to answer questions you have been given to answer like:

    1. Globally from this point forward should one more person loose their life and their families lives ruined cause of unnecessary incarceration for marijuana possession, cultivation and usage?

    2. Compassion or no compassion towards people who wish to use cannabis without having to go through uneducated people like you "opinions" not facts?

    3. Human rights? The sovereign, autonomous right to do what a person wants if it does not hurt another or the environment? Cannabis is well known to make people passive and mellow and they are known to be peaceful when using cannabis. Police know this and are the one's who have deal with all this drug war crap and would rather have people using cannabis than prescription or illicit drugs that cause violence and death. Police have stated many times if cannabis was off the "hit list" they could spend more time dealing with gangs, violence, murder and drugs that cause thousands of overdoses each year. Hemp also has been used for thousands of years in thousands of ways and has a significant positive effect on the environment. Farmers know this as do scientists but when it's "framed next to the "prejudice and fabrications" it never sees the light of day and it's beneficial uses become well unused to say the least

    Your mind is like a parachute, if you don't open it it won't and hasn't

    And what is really venomous is your lack of love towards cannabis users and your support of the drug war. That is what is evil and poisonous not Nor my posts! I always have amusement at your ignorance and true venomous posts and opinions so don't take it personally when I put you next to nazi's cause you both have in common terrible things like supporting murder and control over the masses

    Truth is you troll this thread and will never stop! All the real evidence has been presented via videos and true testimony by myself as a real patient not you having no knowledge and no experience which is why I still stand on the truth that is this:

    You and others like you will have to have bad things happen to you and those you love to finally be in your heart and FINALLY feel cannabis users as people who are your bothers and sisters on this earth we are suppose to share and be free upon. But you don't want freedom. You want control over others via YOUR drug war and you indeed support normal people going to prison and worse so that you can get paid

    And please no more trying to convince the world you have heart, compassion or love for others. That will never fly. Everyone knows your a hater, a biggot and flame and troll what you can't understand like this topic

    Medical Marijuana - Compassion, Decriminalization, Human rights...

    No one will ever believe an narc when discussing these topics and thus again your fictional, bogus statements are seen as just that

    Gorski is indeed paid by the drug war and it's nazi supporters to invalidate the premise of this thread so that he can get a paycheck for spilling the blood of innocent cannabis users world wide!!!!!!!!!!!!

    gorski is a real live narc and is paid by the drug war enthusiasts to post here! He will not stop unless stopped!

    New Flash! I have just been shown gorski is also paid by the pharmaceutical companies to slander this topic!

    His narc, gov't and pharmaceutical friends also hunt down MDL solution developers but even when he's gone/removed another narc will just appear so be strong and know he hasn't anything to offer this thread but harm and misinformation...

    How do I know these things to be true? Well I didn't just disappear from the greatest forum MDL for a whole year for no reason. I dodged a VERY BIG BULLET and have since then upon my return developed an interesting way to stay for lack of a better word "ANONYMOUS"

    Playing God in other people's lives gorski, shame on you!

    Even your shade is hot :eek:

    Bye gorski
  13. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No need for this - one reads your posts a bit and one is aware... And one is also suspecting something much worse than just that... Sadly!
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  15. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #255 timesurfer, May 3, 2013
    Last edited: May 3, 2013
    What the F@#k are you talking about

    Please don't pretend to guide the medical marijuana movement :rolleyes:

    It's a vapor micro pen soldier with marijuana leaf hat

    But to show I'm always "serious" never taking a moment to have fun, it's a Vaped Vapor Pen which uses medical marijuana oil which produces no carcinogens and has virtually no smell, great for on the job when a patient needs to medicate but doesn't want the attention of smell or smoke not to mention no more carcinogens...

    You just couldn't resist posting couldn't you

    Vapor micro pen soldier with marijuana leaf hat...
  16. ComponentsHub

    ComponentsHub MDL Novice

    Apr 30, 2013
    A hotly debated issue is whether marijuana is a "gateway" drug, leading to the use of more dangerous substances. Many studies have found that most people who used other illicit drugs had, in fact, used marijuana. Results such as these are consistent with the gateway hypothesis, they do not prove that using marijuana causes the use of other drugs.
  17. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Let's start with your use of the word more dangerous. People die from over the counter and prescription drugs by the many thousands but medical marijuana has no real toxic elements and not one death has been attributed from it's use ever!

    We forget the 4 real gateway drugs


    All having many negative effects if abused

    Yea it's a "hotly" debate for sure...
  18. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Admin / Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
  19. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #259 timesurfer, Mar 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Try not to :weep: while watching this video...

    Here is a list of annual deaths by each cause. This list should serve to show how ridiculous current marijuana prohibition is. Common, legal drugs like tobacco and alcohol are the leading causes of substance related death. Prescription drugs slip in at number three while suicides and even sexual fetishes result in more deaths than illegal drugs. Even aspirin kills more people than a natural, hardy herb called cannabis.
    Tobacco : 435,000
    Alcohol : 85,000
    Prescription Drugs : 32,000
    Suicide: 30,622
    Sexual Fetishes : 20,000
    All illegal drug use (excluding marijuana) : 17,000
    Aspirin : 7,600
    Marijuana : 0
  20. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    yep, myself smoke for 40 years more and no problems til now, well I stopped for another reasons ( I have one serious disease) :)
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