What about the games like Hyperbowl, Russian Squares, and The Labyrinth Plus! Edition? is it possible? (Is present on Windows XP Plus Disks
It is possible. The same for Microsoft Golf 1998 Lite, Lose Your Marbles, and Spider Solitaire from Plus 98 and also for Microsoft Entertainment Pack: The Puzzle Collection, Microsoft Bicycle Card Collection, and Microsoft Pandora's Box from Plus ME. It just needs free time.
I've written a small Batch Script that will convert the language to ENG. See below: Code: @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION CD /D "%~DP0" FOR /D /R %%D IN (*cs-CZ* *Hry*) DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%~D" FOR /R %%F IN (*_ENG.*) DO ( SET "F=%%~F" MOVE /Y "%%~F" "!F:_ENG=!" ) Save the Batch Script inside the root folder, alongside the HowTo.txt then run once before moving the folders into the specific destinations.