I want to thank you for this trick... I think I would have been very disappointed if no solution were found. I'm using Microsoft Money for my accounts since 1998 and I didn't find any replacement to this very good software. I don't care about Internet sync and I agree with Rock Hunter, they have the habit to drop a very good software for no reason at all... Apparently, I'm not the only one still using this software... and that's a good thing because it pushes guys like im-mad to find solutions
I used to use Microsoft Money to balance my checking account. But these days I hardly ever write a check. I use plastic. I pay bills on-line. Now I allow the bank to keep track of my accounts (and they don't make as many data entry errors as I used to do when I made entries in Money).
I also used Money for many years but have moved to Intuit Quicken for bank accts and credit card accts. Take a look as it has all of the same features and reporting capability. After startup learning curve you will like it.