won't work... for above thing u need os to be win7 or win server 2008 r2... doesn't work on win 8 and win server 2012
I will try. I install win 7 x64 now. Win 7 x32 works very well. Maybe works, maybe not ----------------------------------------- If you want to try Win7 x32. I give own IP.
It works just fine on both. If you are just activating by running one of the pre-packaged scripts, you have to adjust the directory paths based on your OS/Office version (32-bit/64-bit).
Copy this into Notepad, and save as Activate.cmd cd %programfiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15" cscript ospp.vbs /sethst: cscript ospp.vbs /act cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus cscript ospp.vbs /remhst pause
Yeh it should just fine if you installed 64bit version of office 2013, or if you just installed 32bit, then you will need to chnage the first line to Code: cd %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15"
Just installed a 32bit Office with a 64bit Win7 system, no problems with activation. Just as stated above, different install folder for x86,
Name file: "Office 2013 Activation Helper.bat" (Run this as administrator) This code will run on any version, Code: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Code by ColdZero Rem You can set the KMS Server Ip here if you want to... Rem replace "kms" with your kms server ip or hostname SET IPServer=kms :Init cls title Office 2013 Activation Helper, Coded by: ColdZero color 1F :Intro Credits echo -==//Created By: ColdZero\\==- timeout /t 1 >Nul echo+ echo Support available @ My Digital Life -Forums- timeout /t 2 >Nul cls :Get-Office-Dir set office1=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15 set office2=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15 if exist "%office1%\OSPP.VBS" ( cd /d "%office1%" set Directory="%office1%" goto :Menu ) if exist "%office2%\OSPP.VBS" ( cd /d "%office2%" set Directory="%office2%" goto :Menu ) rem If Office directory is not found or is not in Program Files then: echo Could not find Office Directory echo+ pause exit :Menu set userinp= cls Echo+ Echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Echo Office 2013 Activation Helper Version: Nov 3 2012 Echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Echo+ echo Hello %USERNAME%, what do you want to do? echo+ echo A) Set KMS Server HostName or IP echo B) Check Office Version echo C) Activate echo+ echo D) Rearm (Use as last resort and try activation again) echo+ echo E) Clear the Office KMS Server HostName echo Q) Exit echo+ ::Menu Choose Option Code set /p userinp= ^> Select Option : set userinp=%userinp:~0,1% if /i "%userinp%"=="Q" exit if /i "%userinp%"=="A" goto :SetKMS if /i "%userinp%"=="B" goto :Status-Office if /i "%userinp%"=="C" goto :Activate-Office if /i "%userinp%"=="D" goto :Rearm if /i "%userinp%"=="E" goto :Clear goto :Menu :SetKMS cls echo+ set /p IPServer=KMS Server ^> echo+ echo Server is %IPServer% echo+ pause goto :Menu :Status-Office cls echo+ cscript /nologo OSPP.VBS /dstatus echo+ pause goto :Menu :Activate-Office cls echo+ cscript /nologo OSPP.VBS /sethst:%IPServer% cscript /nologo OSPP.VBS /act rem cscript /b OSPP.VBS /remhst echo+ pause goto :Menu :Rearm cls echo+ ospprearm.exe echo+ pause goto :Menu :Clear cls echo+ cscript /nologo OSPP.VBS /remhst echo+ pause goto :Menu
Keep geting damn 0x8007000D error on Win8... rearm doesnt help, there is no OfficeSoftwareProtection folder and/or key anywhere... crap Probably because i had retail version before, removed retail and installed VL... eh maybe its time to reinstall everything anyway
If you look through this thread you will find that this KMS server will not activate Office 2013 on Windows 8. You must be running Windows 7 in order for this to work.
Hm... isnt this only true for miniKMS? That IP from KMS server in china, posted everywhere should still work, but its true i didnt read everything