That chinese server is just running a minikms keygen, it's not an official Office 2013 KMS server. It works for Windows 7 as that still uses the old KMS algorithm. In Windows 8, office 2013 ties into the Win 8 licensing system, which as we know cannot be activated via minikms.
Chinese KMS Server doesnt work now...getting error.seems KMS have been removed o somthing. so not activating Code: LICENSE NAME: Office 15, OfficeProPlusVL_KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 15, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LICENSE STATUS: ---OOB_GRACE--- ERROR CODE: 0x4004F00C ERROR DESCRIPTION: The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid grace period. REMAINING GRACE: 29 days (43175 minute(s) before expiring) Last 5 characters of installed product key: GVGXT DNS auto-discovery: KMS name not available KMS machine registry override defined: Activation Interval: 120 minutes Renewal Interval: 10080 minutes KMS host caching: Enabled
Thanks, now the issue i mentioned is fixed with this update. Code: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Code by ColdZero Rem You can set the KMS Server Ip here if you want to... Rem replace "kms" with your kms server ip or hostname SET IPServer=kms :Init cls title Office 2013 Activation Helper, Coded by: ColdZero color 1F :Intro Credits echo -==//Created By: ColdZero\\==- timeout /t 1 >Nul echo+ echo Support available @ My Digital Life -Forums- timeout /t 2 >Nul cls :Get-Office-Dir set office1=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15 set office2=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15 if exist "%office1%\OSPP.VBS" ( cd /d "%office1%" set Directory="%office1%" goto :Menu ) if exist "%office2%\OSPP.VBS" ( cd /d "%office2%" set Directory="%office2%" goto :Menu ) rem If Office directory is not found or is not in Program Files then: echo Could not find Office Directory echo+ pause exit :Menu set userinp= cls Echo+ Echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Echo Office 2013 Activation Helper Version: Nov 3 2012 Echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Echo+ echo Hello %USERNAME%, what do you want to do? echo+ echo A) Set KMS Server HostName or IP echo B) Check Office Version echo C) Activate echo+ echo D) Rearm (Use as last resort and try activation again) echo+ echo E) Clear the Office KMS Server HostName echo Q) Exit echo+ ::Menu Choose Option Code set /p userinp= ^> Select Option : set userinp=%userinp:~0,1% if /i "%userinp%"=="Q" exit if /i "%userinp%"=="A" goto :SetKMS if /i "%userinp%"=="B" goto :Status-Office if /i "%userinp%"=="C" goto :Activate-Office if /i "%userinp%"=="D" goto :Rearm if /i "%userinp%"=="E" goto :Clear goto :Menu :SetKMS cls echo+ set /p IPServer=KMS Server ^> echo+ echo Server is %IPServer% echo+ pause goto :Menu :Status-Office cls echo+ cscript /nologo OSPP.VBS /dstatus echo+ pause goto :Menu :Activate-Office cls echo+ cscript /nologo OSPP.VBS /sethst:%IPServer% cscript /nologo OSPP.VBS /act rem cscript /b OSPP.VBS /remhst echo+ pause goto :Menu :Rearm cls echo+ ospprearm.exe echo+ pause goto :Menu :Clear cls echo+ cscript /nologo OSPP.VBS /remhst echo+ pause goto :Menu
that is true... but he has activated office day before yesterday... which means he has got the key aleast two days early... how???