No need for spamming the thread with such requests. Patience is an adornment here. We are all waiting for a leaked KMS-Host. Kindest Regards
Not really pro with this stuff. When I active with ColdZero's script I get error code: 0xC004F017. I'm using the IP that was mentioned at the start of this forum "" What should I do? EDIT: Also when Rearming I get 0xc004d307, and some text talking about passing the SKU ID.
copy this into notepad and save as activate.cmd cd %programfiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15" cscript ospp.vbs /sethst: cscript ospp.vbs /act cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus cscript ospp.vbs /remhst pause
Are you running windows 7 or trying this under windows 8? This does not work under windows 8 only windows 7 at the moment. what key are you using for office - just the last 4 letters/numbers?
Windows 7 64 bit. x64 office 2013. I first tried activating with keys and calling with skype. Then I found this. I repaired and reinstalled and now I'm at the step where I'm able to put in a product key in word. cmd window tells me last 5 characters are 27GXM
Hi Coenn, You are using RTM version of office 2013. You need VL edition or any other method to activate.
Activated! Surprised! For the first time today, I have used the KMSmicro V7 method by @heldigard. I am happy to report that it was successful. And there was a pleasant surprise. I am running Win 8 Enterprise x64 and it was already activated using my own KMS server that I built several days (weeks?) ago now. However, I felt the need to experiment with heldigard's work and it is very impressive both in size and function (don't get excited!) I also have Office 2013 Retail on my machine and that is activated too. As you know, Windows 8 keeps activation details for Windows 8 and Office 2013 together in the same files - tokens.dat and data.dat. So I was interested to see whether heldigard's KMSMicro system worked and what would happen to my Office 13 activation after re-activating Windows 8. In order to be safe, I backed up my current activation files Advanced Tokens Manager (ATM) 3.5 BETA 3. I ran the 1-0-KMSMicro.cmd file that comes with KMSMicro by clicking on it (no admin privileges), and waited for the server to run (not long because I altered the memory available to the server in the script to m = 1024). Once it was running, I opened an admin command prompt on my machine and typed: slmgr /skms and waited for confirmation. Then I typed: slmgr /ato and waited for confirmation. I checked for 180 days activation with: slmgr /dlv and everything was fine. On the KMSMicro server, I entered 'h' to check activation count status and it told me there was a count of 27 activations. I then ran the CounterKMS+25.cmd script that comes with KMSMicro with admin privileges and let it run for a few minutes. After stopping the script and checking the activation count status again, I got a count of 38 activations. It was obviously working. Next I tried activating again, this time using the 2-Activation.cmd script that comes with KMSMicro in an admin command prompt. After running this script, Windows 8 was found to be activated again, BUT... ...when I opened Word 2013, I discovered that I had lost my activation for Office 2013 I quickly closed Word, not allowing the configuration window that came up to run. So I went back to ATM V3.5 BETA 3 and restored my activation files. Guess what? Office 2013 was activated again! Surprised me because it is said that only V 3.5 final will back up Office 2013 as well as Win 8 I'd like someone else who has Office 2013 activated to try what I did to see if it works on their machine. However, I will not be responsible if something does not work!!
Thanks. Dit it all. The script is now telling me the settings are succesfully applied. It also gives me errorcode 0x8007232b "Run the following: cscript ospp.vbs /ddescr:0x8007232b Office still tells me when I go to account that it is not activated. I don't get any popups though.
KMS Host software was made available on VLSC today. Keys are already available. Just a matter of time before a live server is made public, I suppose.