Would be grateful if some questions about the volume ed. could be answered. 1. Have a technet retail key for office 2013. 2. Will that work on volume edition just released. 3. More importantly, in win 8, can I backup/restore using advanced token manager.
I know about the phone activation. That has been important to me since MS discontinued technet and I have to preserve activations now. I was interested about activating volume with technet mak keys (it used to happen in office 2010). Apparently no longer?? The point about activating vol with technet was because vol edition is only 800 MB with sp1 whereas for retail, integrating office 2013 with sp1 is 1.8 GB. So there is the question of having one smaller file than having 2 editions-vol and retail. We shall have to wait to see if MS releases retail of office 2013 with sp1.
Oh I do love VLSC distribution channel. It liberates us from converting Retail to VL channel besides the timing is the best. Thank you M$/WZOR