Is there an ISO yet for Office 2016 Pro Plus VL 16.0.4300.1000 I've installed Office 2016 Pro Plus VL from the ISO (from the links on page 1) which was for the previous version and it has upgraded (through MS updates) without problem to the latest version above, but is there an updated ISO out there yet with 16.0.4300.1000 for future installs?
Hello! I just downloaded Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus Volume License. I have a question before I start to install. What I understood is that these are offline installers. So is it safe to be offline while installing those office setups? Thank you in advance.
@harrismail use this tool - "Office 2013-2016 C2R Install by Ratiborus version 4.8" - to download your version!
Not yet, AFAIK. But you can add the updates in the ISO so they will be deployed while installing. Paste this code in a .vbs, and run it on a clean computer with a Office 2016 up to date, then put all the .MSP updates in the folder "Updates" of the ISO : Spoiler Code: Dim oMsi,oFso,oWShell Dim Patches,SumInfo Dim patch,record,msp Dim qView Dim sTargetFolder,sMessage Const OFFICEID = "000-0000000FF1CE}" Const PRODUCTCODE_EMPTY = "" Const MACHINESID = "" Const MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE = 4 Const MSIPATCHSTATE_APPLIED = 1 Const MSIOPENDATABASEMODE_PATCHFILE = 32 Const PID_SUBJECT = 3 'Displayname Const PID_TEMPLATES = 7 'PatchTargets Set oMsi = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oWShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") 'Create the target folder sTargetFolder = oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%")&"\Updates" If Not oFso.FolderExists(sTargetFolder) Then oFso.CreateFolder sTargetFolder sMessage = "Patches are being copied to the %Temp%\Updates folder." & vbCrLf & "A Windows Explorer window will open after the script has run." oWShell.Popup sMessage,20,"Office Patch Collector" 'Get all applied patches Set Patches = oMsi.PatchesEx(PRODUCTCODE_EMPTY,MACHINESID,MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE,MSIPATCHSTATE_APPLIED) On Error Resume Next 'Enum the patches For Each patch in Patches If Not Err = 0 Then Err.Clear 'Connect to the patch file Set msp = oMsi.OpenDatabase(patch.PatchProperty("LocalPackage"),MSIOPENDATABASEMODE_PATCHFILE) Set SumInfo = msp.SummaryInformation If Err = 0 Then If InStr(SumInfo.Property(PID_TEMPLATES),OFFICEID)>0 Then 'Get the original patch name Set qView = msp.OpenView("SELECT `Property`,`Value` FROM MsiPatchMetadata WHERE `Property`='StdPackageName'") qView.Execute : Set record = qView.Fetch() 'Copy and rename the patch to the original file name oFso.CopyFile patch.PatchProperty("LocalPackage"),sTargetFolder&"\"&record.StringData(2),TRUE End If End If 'Err = 0 Next 'patch oWShell.Run "explorer /e,"&chr(34)&sTargetFolder&chr(34)
This code does What? Brings you all updates downloaded through windows update for MS Office and copies them to a folder? Thanks
I tried your script, but it stops with this line: __ sMessage = "Patches are being copied to the %Temp%\Updates folder." & vbCrLf & "A Windows Explorer window will open after the script has run." __ and then ......nothing !!!!!!!!!!!
Hi LostED, Do you know of any Language Accessory Packs single installers (.msi /.exe) for Office 2016 VL ? Thanks in advance !