With my limited knowledge and with help of Google I made a batch that do the job for what I want. For now. It's not perfect as it copies the files and then eliminate what I don't want to hold in that folder. I'd wanted to only copy what I want to the target directory but I don't know how to exclude them in batch. Code: @Echo off pushd "%CD%\OfficeUpdates\" for /r %%a in (*de-de* *en-us* *hu-hu* *it-it* *ro-ro* *x-none*) do ( COPY "%%a" "Path_To\Office_TheWiz_2013\updates\%%~nxa" ) pushd "Path_To\Office_TheWiz_2013\updates" for /r %%a in (*project* *visio*) do ( DEL "%%a" ) popd OfficeUpdates = Folder with .msp update files extracted from .exe Path_To = Path to your Office extracted files directory. Put the batch file next to OfficeUpdates folder and run it. This will copy all updates for the languages specified (add more or delete from code what lang you need, keeping the *x-none* ) and than delete the updates for "project" and "visio" from the final folder. If anyone know a better way or can simplify the code, I'm all ears.
Just to give my 2 cents: Tried it on Windows 8 Pro x64 with IE10 - it is not possible to see the checks. I.e. you can start download, but you are not sure what you are DL now. In Windows 7 x86 - ths problem does not exists. Everything works flawlessly.
Great tool, but I think you have the x64 and 32bit versions of Viso mixed up. They do not install correctly.
I check, this is there right version. Send me pls screenshot of problem and tell me all options you choose in my program.
Hi, I make a disc with this options on my Windows 8.1 Office 2013 Volume x86+x64 Office and Visio English + French Language Pack When I start install of Visio, I get this error in a popup windows The install programme don't found VisPro.WW\VisProWW.msi Any idea ? Regards and thanks for you hard works.
I have the same problem as fireman39. Windows 8.1 Office 2013 VL x64 Visio English Everything else (Office and Project) installs fine, but Visio errors always shows this error.
I installed the Programm, but all Versions (up to Version 1.09) says: Server Error: HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error PHP Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required 'C:\Users\SILENT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OfficeDC\Data\index.php' (include_path='.;C:\Users\SILENT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OfficeDC;C:\Users\SILENT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OfficeDC\Data') in Unknown on line 0
Hello, Thanks for new version. Now I can install Visio I also have the same error as Silent Whistler but only one time ?! after a second start of OfficeDC no more error "Another bug" on my Win8.1 pro 64bit, when I start Office or Visio install , Office installer want start install of 32bits and not 64bits version. Regards
Found the problem. I change it to batch file that will select right version to run. 1.11 - Fix: Setup isn't running the right platform in mix disk (x86+x64).
No I have tested it with iso. Can you explain the structure directory of updates for you last version ?
Hmmm... I don't see the screenshot on my computer with firefox , tested on my phone and it's Ok. I will investigate this. Thanks again.