ianymaty u r my QA department so i take your advice seriously. So in next version I will add all SP1 to all lang in office 2013.
I didn't know there was LP for SP1. I was using the full SP1 of the languages I need. It's better this way with LPs. This still needs a little tweek though. In the LPs there are files for other products that aren't in SP1 and we don't need them in the Update folder since there are not part of original Office pack. This files are sharepointdesignermuisp-xx-xx.msp, visiomuisp-xx-xx.msp and vismuisp-xx-xx.msp. I see that you already get rid of the visiomuisp-xx-xx.msp. Do the same with the others. Also take care that you removed all the English (en-us) files. Please fix it. I still don't see sign of the companion proof languages. I put it on the English bug though. Thank you.
Hello, Test with 1.22 on 2013 (Office, Project, Visio). I have only : x64 x86 setup.bat No exe file !!!
First of all I should mention that all my tests are just for Office 2013 x86 without other products. Other user should reply if they have trouble with this in order to refine things. Since there isn't present in the original Office pack neighter in SP1 I think it's safe to remove it. Note that is "mui" pack and may be needed by Visio if it's selected for integratation. So if Visio is present than keep them. (I don't need Visio, other users may need it.) As I mentioned in previous post the English (en-us) files are removed from Updates folder. Please fix it. I see you keep all the proofsp-xx-xx.msp files. That's ~192 MB in there. We only need the companion language proofsp files. In my situation I have selected English, German, Hungarian, Italian and Romanian to integrate. To be fully patched the French (fr-fr) and Spanish (es-es) proofsp files are needed as companion. That's ~54 MB needed vs. ~192 MB if all kept. Other user may need only one or two languages so there's no need to bloat the install pack with all those unneeded proofsp files. To keep it simple: If only English is selected we still need French and Spanish proofsp. I don't know how much work is this to do it or if you want to do it anyway. All I can say is that I appreciate your work. Thank you.
I don't know whay you keep telling me to remove en-us files from "updates" and i did it 3 resale ago.... OK. Now i understand about proofsp. Where can i find a list of companion language proofsp? How do u know that English need French and Spanish proofsp? Normal i copy all proofsp that exist in Lang pack SP1 you choose.
No, I didn't tell you to remove the en-us files. I was telling you that you REMOVED the en-us files and to fix it so they not get removed. Hope you get it now. I know that English needs French and Spanish proofsp because if you not install them WU will offer some updates to install. I did the tests several times with the exact same result. After I read some forums I come across a post that mentioned about the proof companion laguages. Back in the post #119 I posted the links to the official list of the Office proof companion languages. Did you missed them?
1. Why don't remove en-us files if i already have Lang SP1? 2. I missed it. Now i did use it. Now i have to proof, proof from Office Sp1 and proofsp from lang SP1, witch to use?
1. You can install more than one language to switch between them. Also en-us should remain there if I only want English to install. We have the Office pack + SP1 in English so we need the english files from it. Than we need the corresponding files from Language packs. Do you mean we need Office pack + SP1 + English LP SP1 when you say "already have Lang SP1"? Why we would want that when all en-us needed files are in SP1 already? This is how the Update content should look now with EN, DE, HU, IT, RO lang. The outlfltr-x-none.msp is the only update so far needed after SP1 (KB2760587). 2. Use whichever you want. The proofsp files are the same in SP and LP. Just comply with the proof companion language table and all should be fine.
@The-Wiz, First of all thanks for this great tool. Now that offical Office 2013 SP1 isos are available, any chance for your disc creator to download and use those isos directly?
For first, great work its very usefull! Questions: 1. Exist no SP2 for LPs on 2010? 2. Work it with SharePointDesigner? 2.1. Exist a SharePointDesigner Pro for Office 2010/2013? 2.2. Can i convert SharePointDesigner Pro in VL with it? (Its also missing in Product-List)