1. Here are SP2 for LP (Ofice2010): x86: microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39653 x64: microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39664 2. SharePoiintDesigner is also a co-oroduct of Office Suite and can be integrating. Why you remove SharePoiintDesigner? And dont work if I try with it your tool? Something strange: SP2 is a roll-up (it replace) SP1, so you just need Office2010-Products and the SP2. So why getting links for Office2010-Producst with integrated SP1 (much bigger files) ?
Same. Link for what exactly? The roll-up? Ahh you can read it on Download-Page and Wikipedia.org for example. Its like for any other SP for Microsoft Systems, a newer one supersedes the older. Also you can compare an ISO with SP1 and a self-made with SP2, for example in this tutorial are recommend to use ISO without SP1: forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/29408-Office-2010-Pro-Plus-with-SP2-x86-x64-DVD-iso-Retail-VL-*Multi-lang*-Dwnld The Update folder, include all updates, means if any Pre-SP2 are there after you integrated SP2, it will destroy SP2 changes. Just this 2 Points are unclear for me: SharePointDesigner: I know just the free download by Microsoft, but read about a "Pro" version. Found no Information at Wikipedia and Microsoft about this one and if exist a commercial/VL Edition. Iv never installed yet, so i dunno about this thing - but i wanna it also integrate the VL in my Office-disks. Proof and Updates: Before I used this tool Iv created 2-Language ISOs, means I combine Office-English and Office-German (Both full editions) So I was think I need .msp-Updates for both languages, but whats is now if i using the language-pack for german-lang ? Still need for both or just english-updates? And whats about proof? I wanna have proofing-features for all languages they exist, but i dunno which ones i have to include, its confusing me much...
@The-Wiz 1. Thx 2. Here you can download SharePointDesinger for 2013: microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35491 (Iv itself integrate in my previous Office 2013 disks, - but i understand the point that nobody using that ) 3. Yes, but what i need for get proofing stuff for ALL languages and whats about the normal-updates? @ianymaty Thank you ill give a look next time And:Yea, i will try the new WHD v7.0 Greez
As I pointed in the linked post the problem is that MS not cumulated the proof files for Office2010 as I found. The link is at the page of the post not direct link to the post, sorry. See two posts down. We need the proof from the SP2 + proof from KB2760781 + proof from KB2863818 in that order installed so WU not show anything to download. I mean take the proof from SP2 and rename to proof1 than proof from 1st KB = proof2 and the last proof = proof3 so they install in that order.
SP pack give all lang proofing tools. I copy only related lang to save place. Normal updates are multi-lang so u don't need lang updates for normal. Lang update is only for updating SP resale.
@ianymaty Yea i found almost, hint: you can right-click on underlined number upper-right on post and then "copy link (location)" for marking the specific post. I think to remember that exist proofingtools (standalone exe/iso) maybe there we can find all what is need, i dunno yet... My first try was to replace all same-called at moving files, but results in mixed crap, my second try was also to renaming. But i think Microsoft have a official solution for that, maybe some firms want to have also this proof for all languages like me. @The-Wiz *removed* Ahhh, much sorry, I was wrong! Its true, the .msp lang-stuff was only for the SP. --- BTW: Forum-Server have some troubles since last time... Tell me the tokens are outdated, but it works with I.E (instead of IceDragon (Firefox Fork)
Ahhh thank you very much! Okay just left your nice proof-for-all-project. BTW: Here the link for SP1 for SharePointDesigner 2013 microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35491 And here the link for SP2 for SharePointDesigner 2010 microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39649 (just the x86, not found x64, google search troubles a bit, lets go for self.) Update: Okay it seems we need to download ALL LPs and pickup ALL proofing-tools from them... Then we have a global-pack (means what i want -> proofing-tools for ALL Languages in the list.) Update2: YEAH! Found this: support.microsoft.com/kb/2817435 So it exist a extra proofing-tools-collection like i supposed in few post ago! Update3: FINALLY, now we have all, why i not use google before ?! LOL! microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35400 This one exist also for 2010. Okay i have something to sleep now. At weekend i release my Office-Folder-List, include all what i called. Greez
All what you need is proofingtools-pack like this: microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35400 And the SP1/SP2 (Office 2010/2013) for it, like this: support.microsoft.com/kb/2817435 And then just the updates. No more renaming needed, i think. Here are more information: technize.net/office-2013-proofing-tools-2/ 1. download all .exes , extract the .msps and include in update folder. 2. download sp1 for proofing, extract the .msps and include in update folder 3. download updates for proof, extract the .msps and include in update folder. (And overwrite existins files -> these are superseded by newer ones you move to there!) Thats all.
Fix. Can you & BrokenZero give me the bottom line of all this proofing stuff? I make 20 changes in this till now. Last time change, check it and we will finish it.
What exactly mean? Get proofing for ALL languages see here: forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/51392-Microsoft-Office-Pro-2010-2013-Disk-Creator-(Plus-Visio-Project)-(Retail-Volume)-AIO!?p=886159&viewfull=1#post886159 Order to integrate (nothing rename need) 1. Office 2. Latest SP for it 3. Office -Co Products 4. Latest SP for it 5. LP 6. Latest SP for it 7. Proof 8. Latest SP for it Just overwrite all. Sure its to the SPs at least. I will test it all at weekend, then I can give SAFETY information. (I create a little tutorial-project) BTW: soon I can finally post full links, yay.