I will probably address that in the future but not at present as I am pretty busy in life. What you are looking for is an auto check through the pkeyconfigs to identify a key when you don't know what package it belongs to.
Well not exactly looking for as Ratiborus' PIDkey actually does that. Either way thank you for providing us a great tool of yours.
done done that way on purpose for 4 digit display done done looking at other things so when it'll be ready to upload a new version I will.
Nice tool. I have 2 requests if they are easy to implement. The first is to automatically load a key from a file named ie: key.txt if it resides in the same directory. The second is x64 if possible. I'm used to autoit, and in that case it's simply checking the box x64 when you compile. There are a few PID checkers, but none offer x64 support. Why i would like x64 is for use in WinPE x64. Lets say you get a laptop with a blank HD and wish to install the appropriate OEM version based upon the Bios key. I currently run Produkey from nirsoft wich gets me the key from bios and outputs it to a txt file. At this point i have the key but i have no idea wich sku it would apply to. As most laptops ship with x64 EFI i am generally fubar unless i have a secondary online PC or i boot from CSM to use an x86 PID checker. I will swear allegiance to the first PID checker that runs x64
@flipper, nice. /checkedition is tomorrows project from the looks of it, and OA3xOriginalProductKey may shave .5 meg off a 3 meg gui replacing Produkey . What i used in autoit to get the key as a variable .... Code: Run(@ComSpec & " /C " & @TempDir & '\ProduKey.exe /WindowsKeys 1 /OfficeKeys 0 /IEKeys 0 /SQLKeys 0 /ExchangeKeys 0 /ExtractEdition 1 /stext ' & @TempDir & '\OEMProduKeyOnline.txt /sort "Product Key" /sort "Product Edition" /sort "Product Name"', "", @SW_HIDE) Sleep(500) $ProduKey = "" $fileProduKey = @TempDir & '\OEMProduKeyOnline.txt' FileOpen($fileProduKey, 0) Local $ProduKey2 = FileReadLine($fileProduKey, 4) Global $ProduKey = StringRight($ProduKey2, 29) ; Retrieve 25 characters from the right of the string. ;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "The OEM Bios Key is: " & $ProduKey) FileClose($fileProduKey)
Awesome. I've found that the wmic command isn't working under winpe 10. I'll have to investigate further...