Just tried now and it doesn't require username and password. Just click the link and you are good to go.
just try later Code: [13:17:13] [R] USER anonymous [13:17:14] [R] 331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password [13:17:14] [R] PASS (hidden) [13:17:14] [R] 530 Sorry, the maximum number of clients (20) for this user are already connected. [13:17:14] [R] Connection failed
Obviously the owner realized that (s)he made a complete ****up with a config & being hammered overnight, corrected it!
Can somebody tell me the difference between server 2008 SP2 and server 2008 R2? Because I downloaded the SP2 file thinking it was an update on the R2 version, but as I see its the original server 2008. I just want to know if this version is based on Vista or Windows 7, and if there's any major differences between them (memory usage, program compatibility, etc.). Thanks in advance!
Where can I download the disk image? ru_windows_server_2008_datacenter_enterprise_standard_without_hyper-v_x86_dvd_x14-26898.iso Thank U.