More proof that Microsoft Windows Defender / MSE suck badly

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by ian82, Apr 27, 2013.

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  1. kumaramy

    kumaramy MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2013
    #21 kumaramy, May 2, 2013
    Last edited: May 2, 2013
  2. Wizzyguy

    Wizzyguy MDL Novice

    Jan 1, 2013
    Windows defender uses the same definitions as MSE, although MSE just adds "bells and whistles."
    So yeah, equally bad.

    thats all.
  3. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    Most recent infection I've seen that MSE fails (detects but cannot remove totally even with a full system restore) at is alureon.e, it creates a hidden partition that requires use of bootrec to fix the MBR. MS is quick to help fix it, but as I said cannot be removed entirely with MSE. But that is just one trojan.

    Personally, for the average user, I feel MSE is fine.
  4. ian82

    ian82 MDL Expert

    Mar 7, 2012
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  5. kumaramy

    kumaramy MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2013
    So you mean I have to show you every trojan's and worm's tests appeared in this world ?? :eek:

    If it can remove trojan then it can remove trojans..if it can remove worm then it can remove worms.

    Similarly as if u can shut down pc. then it means you can shut down pc(s) !! :fuyou31:

    Do i have to tell u that wow congratulations u did shut down one pc !! what does that tell us? there are millions of pc(s) out there !!:biggrin5:
  6. Weedy

    Weedy MDL Member

    Mar 9, 2011

    That's not strictly the case.

    Some malware is better at hiding from AV than others.

    The only way to test correctly, is to have a known list of a few thousand different random malwares, and test each one using your AV with the latest updates. This gives you a somewhat better result.
    This is the way that AV comparitives and other AV test websites should test, however, anyone that believes these companies are not biased is living in a dream world.

    The only way to do it and be 100% sure its objective, is to find the malware yourself and do the tests yourself.
  7. edee

    edee MDL Novice

    May 6, 2011
    #30 edee, May 4, 2013
    Last edited: May 4, 2013
    WOW, what we have here folks is a die hard Microsoft Security Essentials fan :bangin:

    FIRST, No one is asking you to prove anything, Second I do not even know WHAT you are trying to say on the last two lines of your post.

    Why don't you do this ....... Update MSE's antivirus definitions then spend the day ( a full 8 hours) surfing and downloading porn, warez, crack and torrent sites. THEN do a full system scan and come back here (if you can) and tell us how your computer is running and how well Microsoft Security Essentials and Windows Defender held up for you ......... MKAY!
  8. ian82

    ian82 MDL Expert

    Mar 7, 2012
    your logic baffles me and its hilarious.

    So if Panadol (a medecine) can cure headaches and toothaches it will cure everything definintely not!!

    in the case that you threw at it it worked, good for you. that's why there are virus testing organizations like AV Comparatives, you threw a random virus at MSE which it caught and you think you're safe? LOL

    leave the security stuff and testing to the people who do it for a living, and you continue using your MSE and enjoy your hidden camouflaged viruses. noone is asking you to leave them :sailor:

    but don't expect anyone in his right mind after seeing the results month after month of MSE failing over and over again to use it.

    These testing companies have nothing personal against MSE or Microsoft or Windows defender, they simply stripped it off their certification list because it's a suck nacka product.

    stop arguing, if you're happy with it, good for you, we will continue our discussions here regardless

    I'm gonna uninstall my trust Kaspersky Antivirus and install MSE instead because it caught a virus that you tested it with.....booooooo.......awesome........NOT...:yeah:

    "never argue with an idiot, he will only drag you down to his level and beat you with it"
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  9. kumaramy

    kumaramy MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2013
    I already did this.
  10. kumaramy

    kumaramy MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2013
    I think I have given enough info. behalf of MSE. And it is not me who prove that MSE is BEST. It is *EVERY NIGHT SCAN RESULT* of one of the best antiviruses like Bit defender which proves that MSE is doing it's job well. So, there is no issue about *enjoying hidden camouflaged viruses*

    I will accept that MSE sucks only then if it fails for me. Means,
    -if MSE could not clean a virus.
    -if other best antivirus scan result shows/detects a virus in my pc but MSE couldn't show/detect.

    And I decided to accept that MSE sucks only then if it fails FOR ME because you said "never argue with an idiot, he will only drag you down to his level and beat you with it" And it think it's true.:rolleyes:
  11. edee

    edee MDL Novice

    May 6, 2011
    #34 edee, May 5, 2013
    Last edited: May 5, 2013
    Well then I am happy for you ...... I do not believe you .... but I am happy for you. :worthy:

    I am not going to post on this anymore after this because the idiocy really astounds me, the bottom line is that Microsoft Security Essentials IS NOT certified by ANY reputable antivirus / security testing company. When and if they ever do get certified and their scores improve I may give it a run, until then in my opinion ANYONE running MSE on their system may as well be running no antivirus at all.

    Just because a Microsoft rep tells me I'm covered I am supposed to believe him? GIVE ME A BREAK, I just looked at my drivers license and just as I thought, I WASN'T BORN YESTERDAY :cool:, why don't you ask the rep then why they cannot get certified by anyone AND THEN see what he tells you, if he can even provide an answer.

    If I told you the sky is falling, would you believe that too?
  12. ian82

    ian82 MDL Expert

    Mar 7, 2012
    ROFLMAO!! just ignore him man he has no idea what security is
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  13. ian82

    ian82 MDL Expert

    Mar 7, 2012
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  14. Daz

    Daz MDL Developer / Admin

    Jul 31, 2009
    I hate threads such as this as they're wrongly judging people and you're basically calling them idiots and laughing at them.

    Your behaviour online can play a big part when it comes to what kind of protection you need. If you're dumb enough to spend 8 hours visiting shifty porn websites, downloading warez and using cracks from torrents then that's your own fault. And you'd have to be insane to think that just because your anti-virus says an executable from a torrent is clean that it actually is clean.

    MSE is designed to be a basic anti-virus for the casuals. You know, the people who will browse news websites, use PayPal and eBay, watch YouTube, chat with their friends on Skype etc. For these people MSE works well enough. And even for the non-casuals it's a decent solution, especially when run alongside software such as malwarebytes.

    On one of my notebooks I don't even use an anti-virus. I use a little brain.exe instead, and for the last 10 years I've not been infected. Why? Because of my behaviour online. I check file hashes, I download from trusted sources, I don't visit suspicious looking websites and any cracked software I get I'll unpack in an offline virtual machine or I'll run it in a sandbox. I may then run malwarebytes or something like the portable Kaspersky virus removal tool once a month.

    So is MSE certified, no, but what difference does that make when ultimately it's what you do online that determines if you get infected or not. If you download torrents and visit weird porn sites and allow a website to download "this_honestly_isnt_a_trojan.exe" to watch a video then you should be using ESET or Kasperksy.
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  15. ian82

    ian82 MDL Expert

    Mar 7, 2012
    safe surfing habits are good off-course. If MSE was going at least average in those tests I wouldn't have created this thread, but its HORRIBLE performance, actually, being the worst out of the lot, and more importantly, millions of people using it and *think* they are protected just because it is free and comes through Windows updates is a scary fact.

    Sure, you may be a smart person and practice surf browsing habits. but what about the other millions out there? you think they are like you, definitely note... this is the point I am trying to show people who trust this so called AV
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  16. kumaramy

    kumaramy MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2013

    Web coast labs.

    I don't say this image proves that MSE has 97% accuracy.
    I say this image proves that every testing companies has their own choice.
  17. Daz

    Daz MDL Developer / Admin

    Jul 31, 2009
    #40 Daz, May 5, 2013
    Last edited: May 5, 2013
    But that's what I'm saying. They may not be like me in that I check every file, but their browsing habits may be the same. So for example, if all they do is chat with friends, watch YouTube, buy genuine software direct from the source and don't visit websites with cracked content then will MSE be fine for them? Yes it will. If, however, you're someone who browses odd websites and downloads torrents and will run an executable because your anti-virus didn't pop up saying it's infected then you should be using a much stronger anti-virus because you're uneducated when it comes to file integrity and signs of malware.

    If you're using cracked software and downloading from unofficial channels then you're at a greater risk then the average joe. So like I said, it depends on your behaviour online.
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