Moving AWAY from Microsoft products IS very much possible for many people.

Discussion in 'Linux' started by smallhagrid, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. bear_aussie

    bear_aussie MDL Senior Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    #241 bear_aussie, Nov 2, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2020
    tried it along with
    - every ubuntu lts release since 2012
    - fedora (tho 30 was the last I tried)
    - the oft-shilled-on-/g/ arch and derivatives (such as manjaro)
    - (of course) debian
    - even weird things like openwrt and lfs
    - & countless other distros long forgotten and prolyl don't exist anymore since I started playing with them in the late 90s
    some of them cant even get past the install screen w/o freezing (looking @ u ubuntu)

    heres the main problem a lot of linxu advocates have
    they don't seem 2 understand that linux has been around 4 30 yrs
    every1 with a modicum of "fiddler" has tried it by now
    99% go back 2 windows
    windos has had a builtin firewall 4 20 yrs now
    so will dos
    which prolly still has better software than inux 2 this day
    doesn't mean I want 2 make such a quantum leap back tho :D
    see above
    it has - but sadly its always 10-15 yrs behind windows
    i want 2 like linux i really do
    monocultures r unhealthy (no macos don't count its a completely diffrent market)
    but wether a unix weenie in the 80s or a freetard now they always oversell it & scare peeps away
    & then the advocates blame the user - really bad form
    people aren't dumb they remember that none of their hardware or software worked
    they remember that filesystems randomly selfdestruct & often take out the rest of the hdd
    (thank god 4 vms these days)
    & tey remember that they got blamed 4 what was clearly a bug in libntfs (yeah i found one yeah its still there)
    but i live in hope :)
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  2. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Why don't you just come out and say you support Linux 100% and everyone else is wrong cause they use x,y and z which is run by some "evil" corporation?
    Irrelevant of what anyone else says here you will add your spin, so pointless convo!
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  3. bear_aussie

    bear_aussie MDL Senior Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    lets not 4get teh most popular linux distro by a million lightyears is android - the same android that's spyware & locked down & owned by an evil monopoly :D
    unlike windows (hello gpedit.msc) u cant fix it tho
    & then theres the whole systemd debacle
    @smallhagrid not addressing these things and just babbling "m$ winblow$ ebil m$ winblow$ ebil" on repeat does nothing 4 ur credibility
    if u cant sell ur wares w/o knocking the competition (or its users) it smells like ur product has no redeeming featurs of its own
    basic marketing 101
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  4. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    hm. my linux `career`is a long, long story.. [ like yours..]
    anno domini 1995 i first tried linux.some obscure distro that is probably long-dead- i forget what it was.
    i knew dos by heart back then and was the proud owner of a 80386sx desktop with 1 [!] mb ram then. i put linux on the hdd.
    it booted, but only once. then it crashed. so, back to dos.[ it was just a floppy and a sys-command away. good ole days.]
    never ever looked back. i had concluded that linux was not for me. until i found a lenovo laptop that looked in brand-new
    condition, for 25 euros at a fair. originally it had had OEM vista.i happened to have a linix mint1.8 cd handy, and that lappy
    still had a cd-drive.evaluation; the battery was dead as a doornail [of course.] and the hdd was encrypted. i could not do
    anything with that. but mint booted from the cd with ZERO problems.or driver trouble, no errors, nothing.
    i was suitably impressed.
    so i bought a cheap hdd and replaced the old one. put mint on installed out of the box. again; ZERO problems. it even
    installed the wifi that that lappy came with, and found my router. it turned out that it could be made to look just like a decent
    dektop, once i learned the terminal thinghy.] it is still alive, and boots with no problems, once i manage to find back that damned
    charger.[ battery is still dead.] i do not use it anymore, but i can.i am still on w7, with disabled telemetry and disabled m$defender.
    because i find a desktop MUCH more comfy..[ and to tell you the truth,, windose 7 too..] so; after that long -and possibly boring
    story-we finally arrive at the morale. the morale is that i am fed-up with m$. i consider them as common crooks. they are a spying
    company, that deliberately make it impossible to opt-out from spying. [ canonical is just one step away from that with ubuntu too..]
    so, once i manage to get wifi working in mint, [ the idiots have wifi off as default ] m$ goes off my hdd..only a matter of time. and i will
    never look back.saves me eons of time and trouble when those commercial companies get it into their crooked heads to slip some
    more spyware back into windose. [ and i wont be using ubuntu anytime soon.]

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  5. bear_aussie

    bear_aussie MDL Senior Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    4 sumthing considered "the flagship" of linux itsjust windows without the good bits & whole lot more bad bits of its own
    mint was a bit better faster and wifi worked ootb 4 me
    but theres the fact that i h8 4 gnome derivatives - always seem 2 be chasing macos but never understand WHY finder is so good
    mate is a better mac ripoff but ive always found it buggy
    ive forgotten what de i use on my wsl (been bout a year since i started it up) iirc its one of the *box wms
    :g:the more I think about it the more I thing its openbox
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  6. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
  7. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    A better question would be, what exactly does Microsoft have that you need and would keep you using their services?! The answer for many is active directory. Everything else they have is replaceable.
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  8. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  9. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  10. ipx

    ipx MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2017
    #253 ipx, Nov 8, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
  11. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    My own many experiences with Ubuntu and/or Ubuntu Mate have affirmed the goodness of those choices for myself & those whom I assist.

    Yes - there is much hoopla over such things as systemd and telemetry, etc...but (IMO) it is not so important to get free of systemd & the telemetry is no big deal to shut off & then remove.

    I always wonder at folks who maintain notions of privacy on the wide open, public network called the internet;
    I also wonder about worries concerning anything which uses the same backbone like VOIP, most cellular, and so on.

    This world - in its current form - has pretty much done away with privacy almost completely, so IMO:
    Unless one lives under a mountain inside a deep cave without any outside services being used - making a fight of this is not efforts well spent.

    Slight efforts can be very satisfying however - like avoiding some targeting via alternative search providers, and having one's own domain for email purposes - but aside of such simple choices, if users shop AT ALL via amazon or ebay or the like - the 'radar' has you already.
    Then add in all the bazillion users of Chrome on their smartphones browsing endlessly over wifi...and privacy ?? WHAT privacy ?!?

    Getting upset about it is just a way to be stressed out over things you cannot control - which only hurts the user, so why do that ?!?

    Best Wishes to All !!
  12. ipx

    ipx MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2017
    #255 ipx, Nov 27, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
  13. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    This is too cute & timely NOT to be shared IMO:

    Use an OS's own feature to attack it ?!?
    Say it ain't so !!!

    It is a techie write-up, but still had me snickering so mayhaps it'll also be amusing to someone else here ??
  14. LiteOS

    LiteOS Windowizer

    Mar 7, 2014
    Linus saying the console/shell/bash kinda "heavy" for average user
    maybe with more intuitive approach we will see more people joining and documenting
  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    My recent experience with Elementary OS is that apps SW is now so much better, given the "portable" line of development Linux recently took...

    So, one can install them jolly apps in various formats either via:

    -a rather limited Elementary OS bult-in AppStore (what the fook is that all about?!?) or

    -Telnet (find commands online easily) or

    -download them as AppImage (right click > Properties > make them executable > make Desktop shortcut, see online instructions for that) or

    -install Snap Store and install them easily from there or

    -flat pack style or

    -old style Synaptic Package Manager etc. etc.

    As if that ain't enough - any more? :D
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