Moving AWAY from Microsoft products IS very much possible for many people.

Discussion in 'Linux' started by smallhagrid, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. ipx

    ipx MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2017
    #321 ipx, Oct 20, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
  2. gjohnson5

    gjohnson5 MDL Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    I started in IT as a BSD User. I only learned active directory when we wanted to integrate user logins on Unix Boxes. Then I had to learn all these new innovative ways to use sync AD with LDAP around Y2k. So, my story is the opposite of your thread, I'm learning Windows due to Azure, O365, powershell, RDP (There was no RDP or even Terminal Services when I started in IT) So it's getting alot easier to Integrate AIX LPAR or Solaris LDOM and Windows Server Services running in Vmware

    So, I come to the board to learn all the new changes in Windows. So, I haven't said much. I read the build releases, run them and check it out without posting much. The security baselines are also important for me as I have to remediate mostly on Unix platform but knowing how to do the same thing on Windows helps

    Anyway thanks,
  3. Drak_iaji

    Drak_iaji MDL Novice

    May 22, 2022
    Although I can't completely leave Windows, my bare metal system has been replaced by Manjaro Linux for some time.

    There is nothing inconvenient about using Windows in a virtual machine, switching between the two systems is almost seamless, thanks to looking-glass and PCI passthrough.

    Of course virtualization is especially interesting, but SR-IOV is even more interesting.
  4. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    why i walked away from m$ windoze....

    yes; i voted with my feet.and installed linux mint
    on my desktop. and the reason?
    practical considerations. i realized that i was
    spending hours of my precious time digging
    into the registry, startup dir, telemetry, and
    other garbage just to try to regain some of
    my long-lost privacy..

    for a while when i was on w7,
    i was reasonably happy.

    until.. m$ invented w 10. and started an
    aggressive marketing policy for it to gain
    acceptance for it. and started spying on us.
    i think that was way back in 2015, or so.
    and forced us to swallow automatic updates,
    crappy divers, and what have you.
    i had to use a lappy that came with OEM
    installed w 8, because my w7 desktop was in
    storage for a house-move. it was hate on first
    sight. worse; within a week it had downgraded
    to w 10. automatically, it gave me no choice in
    the matter. i just woke up one morning, booted
    that lappy, and simsalabim; it was running w10!
    just another learning curve for another paying customer.

    that was more than enough for me. once i got
    my w7 desktop back i was determined to stick
    with w7.when m$ started to play w7 EOL and
    make it hard to get security updates for it, i decided
    to migrate to linux mint. took a year before
    it had a kernel that supported my wifi dongle.

    but now it has happened, finally..
    running mint 2.1 now, finally and comfortably..

    and how do i like it?

    hm. i realize that i have exchanged one bunch of crooks
    [m$..] for another bunch of crooks.[canonical..]

    and its a steep learning curve..
    windoze was all i knew,except for m$-dos..
    and then there is the software.. mint 2.1 comes
    full of bloatware; [office, firefux, etc..]; all garbage..
    and you cannot purge it because of
    ubuntu package dependencies..
    and i miss irfanview, cardfile, m$paint,and a decent filemanager..
    and a sys command in the terminal..

    but there are other great advantages..

    i used to spend hours cleaning up w7.. no longer. life is short.
    no more virus worries or os-pollution.
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  5. Kim100

    Kim100 MDL Addicted

    Jun 17, 2009
    My experience exactly. I am going to have a hard look at the next LMDE and use that or switch to MX Linux at some point, both of which are Debian based. Many Mint users want the development team to switch to a Debian base due to the direction Ubuntu is taking.
  6. Nimbus2000

    Nimbus2000 MDL Senior Member

    May 5, 2010
    I am currently using LMDE and feel (for me at least) it is the better Mint. I would love to see more development in that branch. I have used MX in the past and like it. Others must as well or it would not be number one on the Distrowatch list.
  7. eemuler

    eemuler MDL Senior Member

    Jul 31, 2015
    I totally agree with this. It takes a certain level of proficiency to even detect that there might be privacy issues. I know enough about Windows to realize that there is a problem and how to go about trying to mitigate it. That is not the case when I am running Linux - I'm a total noob. Not only do I not know whether or not my data is being mined or leaked, I don't know how to check, leave alone what measures can be taken to minimize the risk. And the uncertainty is real - I can even disconnect from the internet before I start doing something I would like to keep private but I have no way of knowing if my data is being cached locally to be uploaded when I next go back online.
  8. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    there are a lot of well-founded posts here, about telemetry, and tracking, but they are almost all about m$ windose,
    but what canonical is up to remains under a blanket of silence..[ it could be just as bad, if you are a noob in ubuntu.. ;)]
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  9. rhreznor

    rhreznor MDL Member

    Feb 7, 2020
    Installed Linux Kali on a flash drive as an OS without any other drive plugged in. Installed perfect but I can't login. Doesn't recognize the password I gave it
  10. archIvarIus3k

    archIvarIus3k MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2022
    Because Kali exists only for pentesting, not for regular usage on desktop. Use another distros, like Debian.
  11. archIvarIus3k

    archIvarIus3k MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2022
    Switching to Linux still not make you safe from viruses.
  12. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    if you use a browser with javascript turned off, immuniy goes a looong way.[ you can always use generic firefux if you need javascript.]
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  13. rhreznor

    rhreznor MDL Member

    Feb 7, 2020
    It's the one I want to try. With a search across the board they all have had the problem.
    Is this the wrong forum for this? No.
    Who would know this guarded or secret information?
  14. archIvarIus3k

    archIvarIus3k MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2022
    Unfortunately, some sites can't properly work without JS. I heard, that uMatrix is helpful to disable some unwanted JS scripts without total disabling of JS, but this extension seems to be dropped and not updated for long time.
  15. archIvarIus3k

    archIvarIus3k MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2022
    I guess it's better to go to Linux-specified forums.
  16. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    hm. never heard of that one, but i use noscript, badger, and ghostery search in ff; and falkon [ without javascript] [ mostly works, even in forums.] and less damned cookies too..
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  17. rhreznor

    rhreznor MDL Member

    Feb 7, 2020
    There is no Kali here. Trying this for a class here in the Philippines. Turning into a dead end for even people that know how to use it it's ask the other guy
  18. CoffeeMonster

    CoffeeMonster MDL Novice

    Sep 21, 2023
    Use Kali's pre-built VM. Its not intented for daily use as well as Parrot.