I am just spit balling here but my laptop is a Win7 duel 32bit/64bit machine with an Intel Pentium P6 200 cpu. I have a mix of 32/64 bit software running on it. The main reason for continuing Win7 this long has been stability & my familiarity. With the long run of continuing security updates everything else is status quo. As this site has continued to evolve & provide access to these updates in both 32 & 64 bit modes, I have always used the highest available 64 bit update choice. And I will be fortunate enough to continue into 2026. I suggest checking your system specs to see if using the 64 bit rollouts will work for you. There are 64 bit Win7 OS image installs still available. For me, it is a little too late in the game to be reinstalling Win7. Time does march on & for anyone still using the "WWW" for banking, commerce & entertainment the reality of an eventual OS upgrade is unavoidable. Modern online activity for banks, retailers & entertainment all require the best security available. Win7 will be outdated when this protection is no longer available. My current secondary system is ZORIN OS. I use it for backups & interchangeably w/my Win7. It is my personal choice. YOU will have to make your own. I use FF ESR. I am using MSE (fully updated). It is the same as that used by Win7 version of WinDefender. I do not wish to continue with M$ OSes. Soooo, I feel being currently prepared to switch/update to a plan "B" is a smart requirement that is inevitable. Don't wait until it becomes mandatory. Start planning now & like many here, always remember & appreciate the time & hard work so generously given by abbodi1406, Carlos Detweiller & so many others. It has been one hell of a ride. ;>)) See you at the finish line (2026)...
Yes, a good alternative for Windows 7 could be Linux, if your machine is not enough for Win 10 or 11. Some good Linux for low spec: MX Linux, Debian, Linux Mint Mate, Zorin OS Lite, and so on. PS: I'm thinking of leaving MS and to move on to Linux, because of MS itself and their practices like the W11 requirements, forced upgrades, end of W10, forced use of MS Edge, and so on. Any Linux is better than Win 7 or 8.1 nowadays. I'm deciding into Debian or Zorin (because I don't like the current Ubuntu)
If I had to recommend a Linux distribution, I would recommend Manjaro XFCE, if possible in its Minimal version. Stability and low use of resources have made me recommend and stick with this distribution. As many of you know in this forum, I use Manjaro XFCE Minimal x64 along with Windows 7 Starter x86 [COEM] in a mini laptop whose hardware is extremely limited and of all the Linux versions I have tested, it was the only one that has excellent performance and stability on any computer. So far I have not had to format the partition where I have Manjaro (XFCE Minimal x64) installed and I have cases of customers who have installed Manjaro on computers that only supported Windows 7 and this distribution gave new life to those legacy PCs. Every time this flavor of linux is updated, for the user it is indistinct because there are no changes in the user's graphical environment (UX)
I have a first-generation i7 with Windows 7 installed on my 2010 x64 PC, which I love. It's now benched to storage. What are you all currently using Windows 7 for? Everything is painfully slow. I won't switch to Linux. Chrome consumes a lot of resources, and many websites won't let me connect using Windows 7 and an outdated browser. I also haven't upgraded to an SSD because It's not compatible due to a mobo issue. I haven't bothered to increase the RAM beyond 6GB. My video card, which was cutting-edge back in the day, only has 1GB of VRAM. At this point, I'm not interested in pursuing any upgrade options. As much as I’d like to put this system to good use, it’s becoming increasingly difficult. I can't even connect my hybrid HDDs to my old external dock because it doesn't support the newer SATA 6 drive form factor. Additionally, I can’t access my old HDDs because external docs, despite the reviews, seems to damage them over time.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but many Linux distributions (I’m not sure why they call them 'bistros') have very short life cycles and require regular upgrades to remain usable. Without a decent video card, it seems that using an old legacy PC is mostly limited to text-based especially legacy applications and minimal graphics.
Nope false you can install ubuntu mate ( ubuntu with gnome 2 fork like windows 11 motor with windows 7 look ) and choose lts for 5 years update and subscribe to ubuntu pro to have 5 years extra ( free for consumer ) = 10years update
As you can see below my install date is Oct 8, 2011 for my OS. ZORIN Pro is my secondary OS & will be my primary after Jan 2026 Win7 updates expire. Only 1 year younger than yours. I have none of your difficulties & full access to my banks, Robinhood, Vanguard & VA medical accounts. Using Firefox Operating System 115.16.1 ESR. None are refusing me access including the federal, state & local governments as well as utilities. You can see I am still using original HDD & do have a 1T Crucial SSD drive for upgrade. My system has been kept updated & has MSE anti-virus, Malwarebytes Anti-ransomware protection & various protections w/Firefox add-ons. My VPN is Windscribe. I stream a LOT. I also use the VA medical live stream for many of my appointments. I order online from Walmart, Amazon, eBay, local restaurants, etc. Access Google, Yahoo, Proton, M$ Outlook accounts, etc. Your entire description confuses me a bit due to my experience is exactly the opposite of yours. Nothing "Chrome" on my system. You refuse to upgrade or use any Linux distro, as you say even the term "distro" is an irritation. Time & your choice of docking has damaged your drives. Your problems are NOT our problems & we do not have your limitations with our similar "ancient" hardware & Win7 OSes. The thought of "up crap creek without a paddle" comes to mind. You seem to feel your limitations should be ours as well & yet there are a number of us who expect to continue to use our systems beyond Jan 2026's last updates via upgrades/OS changes. Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1 Computer type: Notebook Installation Date: 10/8/2011 3:45:00 AM CPU Intel Pentium P6200 @ 2.13GHz 55 °C Arrandale 32nm Technology RAM 8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 532MHz (7-7-7-19) Motherboard Acer Aspire 5733Z (CPU) Graphics Generic PnP Monitor (1366x768@60Hz) Intel HD Graphics (Acer Incorporated [ALI]) Storage 465GB Western Digital WDC WD5000BPVT-22HXZT1 (SATA ) 33 °C
<snip> Interesting perspective. Your tone seems aggressive, and I’d argue your experience reflects survivorship bias. I’m outside the USA, in a country with stricter privacy and cybersecurity standards. Many essential sites here block access if VPNs or anti-fingerprinting tools are used. Honestly, I’m skeptical about your claims. I’m extremely meticulous with my setup—my OCD drives me to keep my systems efficient and address hardware or software issues promptly. Everyone with any PC knowledge knows external hard drive docks destroy HDD unless they are made for a corporate environment and cost a fortune. Consumer grade are all from China even the better ones like Thermaltake. However, there may be a grain of merit in your claim. One year made a major difference in the PC world and your PC is one year newer than mine. I also use Windscribe, and it’s increasingly problematic with Windows 7; NordVPN barely supports it, and Windscribe only works reliably as a browser extension, not as a client. I say that's bs if you have no issues with W7 and Windscribe. I know posting this in an echo chamber W7 thread won’t earn me any brownie points with the radicals such as yourself, but I feel your experiences with Windows 7 and Linux aren’t universal .and a gross exaggeration intended to promote a dated system —W7. Similarly, your embrace of Linux and dismissive of my concerns and experiences feels like a sophistic one dimensional point of view and argument that ignores the nuanced challenges many users face. The way I look at it, individuals who prefer Linux are hardwired differently similar to those who deny the earth's curvature, support a convicted criminal running for president, and those who cling to outdated technologies while accepting and ignoring their shortcomings. That's some impressive wiring going on there.
Hello Totally false. I'm running Manjaro XFCE I have not touched the partition where Linux is installed (Manjaro) in years since it is updated and always remains the same. I use the mini laptop when I have to do light work that the cell phone makes impossible or that is not comfortable for me. I don't use it to watch videos but I use MS Edge latest version, LibreOffice, I download torrents using the Transmision client, I print important documentation without any problem. Since Linux is practically immune to viruses, I perform all downloads and backups on this mini laptop and I have not had to touch the Linux partition. If the computer had at least a Core 2 Duo, it could be used to watch videos, but I'm not interested in that since it's not my main computer. Manjaro is a Linux distribution that is characterized by low and efficient resource usage, and a stability that I have not seen in other Linux editions. It was the only one that works decently on: Atom N455 || 2 Gb ddr3 1333 mhz (2x1) || 500gb SSHD Seagate -sata3- || Led 10.1 || Win 7 Starter x86 [COEM] \\ Manjaro XFCE x64 ||
Consider upgrading to Windows 10 x64 and your computer will run better than Windows 7. I currently have a computer that I use as laboratory or workshop equipment that has a Core i/ 950 (First Generation) on a mother that was considered high-end for the time. The motherboard and electronics manufacturer do not support systems beyond Windows 10 64 Bit. Windows 10 performance and stability is superior to Windows 7. If you plan to upgrade to Windows 10, you must increase the RAM to a minimum of 8GB and use an SSD or a SATA3 HDD connected to a SATA3 port and verify in the BIOS that the SATA controller is set to AHCI. This is the configuration of my laboratory work computer, where I make backups, use video converters and software that is already a few years old (it is not my main computer): - ASUS P6X58D-E motherboard (without integrated graphics), supports up to 24 gb ddr3 ram (4gbx6) - Intel Core i7 950 (first generation) - NVIDIA 8400 GS 512MB VRAM (as soon as I can I will change it for an RX550 2GB which is the maximum that this configuration accepts, so as not to have a bottleneck). - 10GB ddr3 1333mhz - HDD 500 GB toshiba sata3 (on sata3 port) - DVD-RW Drive -sata- - Win 10 Pro for Workstation Runs Windows 10 excellently. Consider upgrading to Windows 10 x64
_________________________________ I see that you have had a bad experience and serious problems. First of all, I don't use Chrome or install a lot of software on PCs, and every time I install Windows 10 I run commands in Powershell to remove all the bloatware and install and/or update the main apps via winget for convenience and security. I thus achieve stable operation. Instead of using Chrome or installing another Chrome-based browser on Windows 10 or Linux, consider using Microsoft Edge. On Linux you can also use Chromium. Personally, I use Firefox as a 2nd browser for government or specific pages that require that browser. If you continue having problems, go to a computer technical service.
________________________ I don't know if you knew, but you can replace your computer's processor with up to a first-generation i7 and give it a big performance boost. That's a good team you have. It perfectly supports Windows 10. There is an unofficial, virus-free driver developed a couple of years ago that is stable and works up to Windows 10. I have clients with the same computer with your i7 620m processor and even the same processor that you have, running with Windows 10 Home SL 64 bits without problems. Others with Win 10 Pro x64 and excellent experience. Zorin and Manjaro are ideal systems for your computer, since Ubuntu a couple of years ago had a code error in the implementation of the video driver and certain errors with the power management of the processor and it really made those who have this computer lean by the Zorin and Manjaro distributions (or others based on Arch).
Lol. Anyone reading our comments would probably come to a different conclusion than your last. I stated facts in my response to your description. Windscribe has zero to do with NordVPN. 2 different animals/companies. I have the installed app; not the browser add-on. As you say, I am American & it can make a huge difference. Reality does dictate that those having success with a particular OS may not reflect the heartache of another user. Grain of merit? Try 100%. Based on years of use, changes, updates & visits to this forum I find it very safe to conclude that I am in the majority here. If you followed regularly you would have to conclude the same. Best of luck. ;>))
Thanks. The comment stream should demonstrate I AM NOT the one who is unhappy with his system or asking for help. ;>))
This is a forum and I have not seen any discussion or aggression from you so far. What I wrote was to add to what you have responded to the other user. I agree with your words. I hope you can understand my messages.
Windows user since Windows 3.1, then Ubuntu LTS in 2014, then Linux Mint Cinnamon since 2018. Ubuntu snaps are s**t too ... I love Fedora too.
I have been dual booting Windows 10 and Solus Os for a few months now. I have dabbled with Linux off and on for years. My plan being dumping Windows all together after October 25th Windows end of life. I am not a Windows 11 Kool Aide drinker, I do not believe the mandatory hardware requirements needed just to run the OS, especially when my system which fails the cpu requirement runs the Os just fine , in fact better than my son's brand new ASUS ROG that came preinstalled with Windows 11. I am not contributing to the Microsoft bank account by purchasing new hardware or an entire new system, just to run the Os Those claiming Linux has too much a learning curve , not enough software..... Ummm .... No. Those claiming this obviously have never tried. While having this Os installed I have only had to use the command line or bash a couple of times and what I needed it for, a tutorial was easily found. All the software I used on Windows (free and paid) , Linux counterparts were easily found , most better than their Windows counterparts, open sourced and ALL free. And yes , even AI software can be found. Libra Office is every bit as good as MS Office and oh yea .... FREE. All MS office file formats are also compatible with Libra. Linux distros like Solus and Zorin become more and more like Windows all the time , same features just different names and located in different spots of the Os , it's not rocket science learning it, just lazy people not wanting to. Oh Yeah .... I thought my system ran fast on Windows? after installing Solus now my system runs like it's on fire, five months of use and it hasn't slowed down one bit , THAT just goes to show ya how much needless s**t Microsoft packs into it's Os and what is phoning home. Come October I really do not believe I am going to have any hard feelings about reformatting my Windows drive and leaving Windows behind. Solus does everything Windows does and sometimes more and honestly, the GUI is tens times more appealing once you set it up the way you want it. You Windows users getting on the 11 train , before you get on just hand Microsoft your wallet or purse because when Windows 12 comes out which is scheduled for the end of this year , Microsoft will be dictating more hardware requirements and many of you who may have purchased new hardware and new systems just to run 11 may find yourself doing so all over again JUST to run 12. How far are you going to let them go before you say enough is enough?
I came to the same conclusion years ago, I ditched Windows completely and I have no regrets. I am looking forward to the release of Windows 12 with all its new hardware requirements as there will be loads of knocked down PCs coming on the market