MS pushing OEM crapware on upgrades

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Bezalel, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Bezalel

    Bezalel MDL Senior Member

    Apr 30, 2012
    #41 Bezalel, Jul 31, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2015
    I'm blaming M$ for creating a system where OEMs can push crapware on upgraded PCs.

    While currently it appears to only be on upgraded PCs, there's nothing to stop M$ from doing this on new installations (or yearly anniversaries, or whenever an OEM decides).

    While in the past I've refrained from using the acronym M$, for this thread I feel it is justified.
  2. Buckie

    Buckie MDL Junior Member

    Nov 27, 2012
    You lot make me laugh :rolleyes: You get a FREE Operating system with a few freebees on it that's easy to uninstall in any case and you still moan and complain ? Even those who are not entitled to a free Windows 10 will end up downloading a copy FREE TOO....

    The DELL Recovery tool incidentally is a great tool if you have to reinstall in a hurry ? I've three machines and getting FREE copies for all, and don't care if there's a few extra programs on, if I don't like them I'll uninstall them...

    The other extreme is, without the sponsorship of those freebees is the cost of a new machine would be more expensive, or even the cost of Windows 10 too.... Would you like that as opposed to the few freebees ?
  3. pvdven777

    pvdven777 MDL Member

    Jul 4, 2010
    Well now this all just feels very dodgy.
    I was going to sit it out for a while, but since I had a spare machine I decided to give that a clean install to pick up some experioence with windows 10. So far I'm not too impressed.

    However, on topic :
    I thought I had a clean machine until suddenly out of nowhere I see some icons pop up on my desktop. It's some sort of 3d picture viewer software. Don't remember that coming up last time I installed an Nvidia driver.
  4. S_SubZero

    S_SubZero MDL Member

    Sep 22, 2012
    That has installed with nVidia drivers for a very long time. It always appears on a clean install, and sometimes appears on upgrades.
  5. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    I install the Acer Explorer app(you called crapware) on my Windows 10 system, although, there is nothing new on it.
  6. pvdven777

    pvdven777 MDL Member

    Jul 4, 2010
    Thanks for putting my mind at ease. In any case I'll be looking for the uninstall option.
  7. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    I have my doubts about this "free" offer in general...but I'll wait and see before I say anything.

    I have -never- used any of the reinstall tools provided by Dell, or anyone. I get a new machine, wipe it slick and reinstall.
    All partitions gone. No muss, no fuss.

    @Buckie: You do realize what forum you're in, don't you? There's not a single person here who is forced by MS to pay for Windows. Now before you whine about piracy, My studio machine is legit. Which is the machine that I'm surfing on.

    I don't like the way this Windows 10 fiasco is going. To me, it's getting like smartphones; getting a phone stuffed with junk and not being able to do anything about it. In the near future, I see lots of people dumping Windows 10 and going back to older versions of Windows.

    Let's see if they still can...

    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    It nice to know there are some people who enjoy Sony deploying 'Root-Kits' and Lenovo installing 'Fake Security Certs' Ooop's sorry 'Sponsoring' their PC's.

    Unfortunately, like the majority of the users on this forum, my 'Tin Foil Hat' is covering my eyes. So I can't see just how wonderful all these FREE apps and Sponsorship is.

    FYI, some of us are happy to pay extra for systems that don't have Crapware on them.
    The problem is the OEM's are still screwing us over. I have two signature PC's one from HP and one from Sony. Both have the same Crapware installed as their standard systems, even though they charge more for them. All they do is run a script at OOBE that changes to the Signature Wallpaper and hides the Crapware Icons.
  9. onenoall

    onenoall MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2015
    This now appears on Windows 8.1 as well.
  10. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    Clean install, Netbook had no RAM or HDD. Added both from my AAO, installed Windows 7 Pro. (from last MSDN ISO) and installed Lenovo Cert. Didn't do any updates, just added NIC driver and ran setup from Windows 10 10240 (Insiders Pro. ESD/ISO) After I checked for activation and was installing drivers I saw it.

    FYI, I did a clean install last night. 'Without a Net connection' went online, activated and did all Updates. No sign of any Crapware. :g:

    Don't know if thats due to no Lenovo Cert, or the Offline install. :confused:
  11. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    Were you connected to the Net when you did the install :confused:
  12. bromanbro

    bromanbro MDL Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    Upgraded from a clean installed 7 OEM (had Lenovo wallpaper but that's about it)....I have the Lenovo Center in "Devices and Printers"

    So dumb.
  13. Bezalel

    Bezalel MDL Senior Member

    Apr 30, 2012
    At this point it looks like only upgrades get crapware, clean installs and PC resets don't get anything. My guess is that it is some deal M$ made with the OEMs to support the upgrade process.
  14. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    It looks that way, but as MS has taken over customer support from the OEM's wouldn't it be in their interest to stop the OEM's adding crapware, which is likely to cost them money in the long run.

    Plus, if the OEM's are/were adding stuff during the upgrade, wouldn't the first thing they'd add be their OEM Branding. :confused:
  15. Bezalel

    Bezalel MDL Senior Member

    Apr 30, 2012
    If OEMs weren't shipping crapware then M$ would have no distinction with their Signature Edition PCs.

    The free upgrade program cuts into new PC sales.

    Regarding branding, if the OEM installation is being upgraded the branding would still be there.
  16. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    And here we have yet another example why I should stick to 'Screwdrivers' and never move into Retail, Marketing or PR. businesses :p
  17. themgnt

    themgnt MDL Novice

    Aug 7, 2009
    I've run the upgrade on three machines - a Dell desktop, Dell laptop, and home built. Both Dell's had been wiped and had a clean W7 install long before. I've had no crapware appear on any machine (not counting MS's offers to get Skype and Office, etc).
  18. esemef

    esemef MDL Novice

    Sep 15, 2013
    #59 esemef, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
    Dell were never like this, I ran Dell desktops from 1995 and then switched to laptops in 2001. They would turn up with extras installed, but I'd just boot the reinstallation media and wipe everything and it would all be gone. Not all manufacturers were as good as Dell and I don't know what they are like now, especially when there is no guarantee that your computer will have an optical drive.

    For my last computer I bought the absolute cheapest laptop with an intel processor I could find in a bricks and mortar store, it probably cost less than your graphics card. It's a toshiba and it came with a rescue partition which had some OEM software installed that I would prefer wasn't there, but it wasn't annoying enough for me to go through the hassle. It kept bugging me about registering the warranty, which I never got round to. I probably should do that. The store tried to upsell me a USB stick that was supposedly something to do with activating offline but they appeared to be lying and the exercise was to spend as little money as possible. I could buy a usb stick much cheaper than whatever they were trying to sell me. If Windows 10 hadn't been just around the corner then I probably would have downloaded the 8.1 iso from Microsoft.

    The only driver that Windows 10 didn't find after installing and updating was Intel TXE, it didn't take long to track it down & I would have to do that if I bought a bare motherboard. I generally don't use driver discs bundled with anything as they are usually out of date. For a cheap laptop it's all pretty well known branded hardware. Certainly better supported than some prebuilts and even self built hardware I have seen. I remember the hassle of installing Windows NT on some computers some "expert" had built using non-intel motherboards where you had to install drivers to work round all the chipset bugs before the computers would boot properly.

    I would never recommend someone build their own computer. If anything goes wrong then I'd have to help them fix it, or they might even hassle me to help them build it in the first place. I'd rather pay someone who will worry about what parts are compatible with each other and give me a warranty.

    If you find it hard to do a clean install on a prebuilt computer then I don't hold much hope for something cobbled together from random bits of hardware ordered online, you're actually making it harder.

    FWIW the civilised world uses Apple/Surface.
  19. Bezalel

    Bezalel MDL Senior Member

    Apr 30, 2012
    Now that Threshold 2 is being pushed, I'm seeing the crapware pop up on systems being upgraded from 10240.