Very nice, I'll give it a try tomorrow. I was just about to ask if I could put the 0F module and the 23 module (slic) into the original rom with amibcp. Or would that have been to easy Reading hex and assembly are not my strong points
I'm using Ami Flash 7.00.09 supplied with the bios. Have tried using with and without the -B parameter.
For information.... Before Code: seg000:9404 sub_9404 proc near ; CODE XREF: seg000:9400 seg000:9404 push eax seg000:9406 push cs seg000:9407 pop es seg000:9408 mov edi, 120h seg000:940E rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] seg000:9411 push cs seg000:9412 pop ds seg000:9413 xor esi, esi seg000:9416 xor edi, edi seg000:9419 mov cs:dword_0, 54445352h ; RSDT seg000:9423 mov cs:byte_8, 1 seg000:9429 mov cs:dword_4, 2Ch ; ',' seg000:9433 call sub_978D seg000:9436 jnz short loc_9442 seg000:9438 mov cs:dword_4, 28h ; '(' seg000:9442 seg000:9442 loc_9442: seg000:9442 mov cs:dword_A, 49494D41h seg000:944C mov cs:word_E, 544Eh seg000:9453 mov cs:dword_10, 5F414956h seg000:945D mov cs:dword_14, 2020374Bh seg000:9467 mov cs:dword_1C, 5446534Dh seg000:9471 mov cs:dword_20, 97h ; 'ù' seg000:947B mov cs:dword_18, 10h seg000:9485 mov cs:dword_30, 50434146h ; FACP After Code: seg000:9404 sub_9404 proc near ; CODE XREF: seg000:9400 seg000:9404 push eax seg000:9406 push cs seg000:9407 pop es seg000:9408 mov edi, 120h seg000:940E rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] seg000:9411 push cs seg000:9412 pop ds seg000:9413 xor esi, esi seg000:9416 xor edi, edi seg000:9419 mov cs:dword_0, 54445352h ; RSDT seg000:9423 mov cs:byte_8, 1 seg000:9429 mov cs:dword_4, 30h ; '0' Increased size by +4 seg000:9433 call sub_978D seg000:9436 nop seg000:9437 nop seg000:9438 mov cs:dword_2C, 0FFF805A2h ; SLIC offset seg000:9442 mov cs:dword_A, 5553415Fh ; _ASU seg000:944C mov cs:word_E, 5F53h ; S_ seg000:9453 mov cs:dword_10, 65746F4Eh ; NOTE seg000:945D mov cs:dword_14, 6B6F6F62h ; BOOK seg000:9467 mov cs:dword_1C, 5446534Dh ; MSFT (unchanged) seg000:9471 mov cs:dword_20, 97h ; 'ù' seg000:947B mov cs:dword_18, 10h seg000:9485 mov cs:dword_30, 50434146h ; FACP The only thing I note is that for all core 8 mods the SLIC offset is put at 2Ch and not 30h (but Yen's pics show 30h). The ACPI spec implies it could be either..... it might be worth a try at 2Ch....... Andy
Shouldn't need to flash the bootblock. It doesn't change. Looking at the command line options I would suggest -B C R although I doubt it will make too much difference. Andy
Could you post an ACPIScope report Load ACPIScope Select File -> Load ACPI Information -> From BIOS Then Save As something.ATS and upload that file I just want to see how the RSDT table is populated Andy