Tito, everything works fine for the modded MSI K9AGM2-FIH in Posting# 4058 of this thread!! Thank´s a lot. (I will give a more detailled feedbeack, after installing 32 bit OS. That mashine always freezes because of the OS´s 64 bit GPU x1200 driver. The mod itself ist perfect and offline activitation worked. I`ll install the 32 bit OS and then I will post the RWE report). Thanks you !
How do you flashed the mod? Original (non modified) bios and, after reboot, modified bios from pure DOS with included to pack utility ? You have done something wrong: today I tested this mod personally at work - it works fine.
I flash modified BIOS from DOS with utility from pack. Original 1.2 BIOS were flashed a week ago. Ok, i will try agan.