OK, I managed to flash the unmodified BIOS by putting it on a USB and booting and pressing Ctrl+Home on a PS/2 keyboard. Relieved I don't have to mess around with LPT->SPI cables I'm a bit nervous to try flashing the modified BIOS again though as it didn't appear to have any problems flashing before so I imagine the same thing will happen again if I try it. EDIT: Would it likely be any better flashing the modified BIOS with the MSI HQ forum USB Flasher?
Thanks! I'll give it a try. I will post results in a bit. I know I am not a complete idiot, lol. My mobo's stickers do say Z68A-GD55(B3). Along with the box, and the product page where I bought the mobo from. Must have got a weird batch? *edit* SLIC 2.1 confirmed working in SLIC ToolKit V3.2 SLIC 2.1 confirmed working with Daz Windows Loader V2.2 I haven't test windows xp activation but SLIC Toolkit indicates No OEM SLP String found.
Serg008, I'm curious why the modified BIOS has/needs the Enable SLIC Table Controller option, as the unmodified BIOS doesn't and nor did any of the previous modded BIOSes as far as I recall? Perhaps that's where the problem crept in? I've got it activated with Daz Loader for now so I'm not desperate but if you get a chance to look into the problem, I'd much rather use a proper SLIC BIOS thanks. I had a look at doing it myself with phoenixtool v191b6 but there's quite a few options I'm not sure about. If it would be helpful for me to flash the original BIOS again and get a RW Everything report just let me know though.