MSI-AMI bios mod requests, post here.

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by ancestor(v), Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
    Thanks for the feedback, будь ласка :)
  2. sukhodrischeff

    sukhodrischeff MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2018
    #7757 sukhodrischeff, Aug 12, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2018
    Of course man. As admin and AV disabled.
    I even know what files are not found are from these lines of your .bat script:
    if exist Step1_result.png move /y SLIC_result1.png "%desktop%\" >nul
    if exist Step2_result.png move /y SLIC_result2.png "%desktop%\" >nul

    SLIC_results1.png and SLIC_result2.png are missing in archive. And they are not generated.

    Serg, my apologies.

    My Slic_tool gave me "Dump Error ! (RSD PTR Not found ! )" and 2 missing files and 2 warnings from running of your tool gave me feeling that nothing has worked. That was newbie's mistake.

    Next I checked that most important parts of your tool ran well despite of warnings and missing files.
    So I tried to install cert and key. And my Win7 now activated.

    Sorry for all that. I was a bit nervous considering all the errors and that I'm doing it first time.
    And THANK YOU for all your work you are keep doing!

    P.S. Last question - slic is installed permanently in BIOS? If I will choose reset my bios to default settings (hopefully not, but who knows) will it stay?
  3. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
    It's not a permanent...after the BIOS upgrade run tools again to enable SLIC...