I think that this is due to the use of Loaders. Please post a ScreenShot of the Advanced Tab of the SlicDumpToolkit.
checked the rev. # on the two that worked with the 1.3 ver. of the bios and they were rev. 1.0 Have three more to do and they are all rev.1.1 will report back here and on the above reference page. Thank You Very Much for Your time
hi Serg008 I have a problem not to sure what to type at dos prompt do I type afud4310 A7597NMS_SLIC.170 /o I want to be able to save my old bios first before flashing when I try afud4310 /o I get bad file name or something like that any tips thanx peace
Look "How to flash the BIOS.DOC" included in 7597v17.zip file / afud4310 c:\oldbios.bin - will save old bios on c: drive /
well I read the doc and afud and the modded bios gave me the black screen of death am I screwed or is there hope thanx