Today i tried installing 17763.2061.210706-0028.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US.iso & 17763.2114.210731-1942.RS5_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US.iso produced from serviced with v11.7. The ISO came without any sfc errors. but... DOT NET components 3.5 and 4.8 were not integrated some softwares didnt even start Kaspersky Internet security failed to install. I think the last two issues may be due to the first issue but I am not sure. I followed the same steps for 1909, 20H2 and 21H1 and there is no such issue. Am I missing some thing ?
I mean i have to integrate to a live running Windows and not to an offline image. I tried with dism /online /add-package /packagepath:\IE11\ I also tried with the packages obtained from within the sources\sxs folder as well as from msmg packs. but it says implementation is not possible. The ISO belongs to the 1909 build
And you can also use this reg. for updating from Windows 10 to 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup] "AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU"=dword:00000001
Hey! Maybe someone knows? Which components of Windows 100% will not be restored after updating Windows? I know that Paint, WordPad, Windows Media Player and Windows Apps will not be restored. And what else can you safely remove? (Google Translate)
Did as per your instructions, but during setup, i get a media driver your computer needs is missing. Can you let me know why this happens ? Thank you
what does this plug in do? Code: [32] WebP Image Codec Plugin I can't open webp images, nor can I view the thumbnails. I can use Icaros to be able to view the thumbnail, but I cant open or convert it. So what does the above plugin do? is there any point in me keeping it in my image?
We have to wait for update that supports versions of Windows 11. This is provided by MSMG for the application "Toolkithelper.exe". For now only removal through DISM list. Template lists are available within the ".\Bin\Lists" folder. Take a look there, read the main post and readme, and make your "RemoveAppsList.txt". It is interesting to enter the remove menus and see the prerequisites to be able to set up an image without headaches.
I don't think that at this stage it is very important for you to integrate SSU + LCU into boot.wim and winre.wim. The updates will be integrated successfully, you can be sure of it. But now it is important to find out the reason for the previous error. Therefore, I suggested a shorter and simpler way - integration of only SSU + LCU, and only into install. wim: (2) Integrate -> (4) Windows Updates -> (2) Integrate WHD Update Pack -> (1) Integrate WHD General Updates -> (2) Integrate to Windows Setup Install Image The bottom line is to abandon the integration of the remaining updates for now (windows10. 0-kb5003714 - - DU for sources & windows10.0-kb4506578 - - for WinPE), and check the installation.
I have a small problem when i try to Integrate Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime "=============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Integrate Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime =============================================================================== Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Pack file "VC_2019_x64.reg" not found... Please copy the above file to <Packs\VCRuntime\w10> folder... =============================================================================== Press any key to continue . . . " this is happening after the august update of the component folder of Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime which include version 2022 and missing 2019... Can you advice me for a work around solution ?
@Bira informed me that the integration of WMP Metro Skin is breaking WMP in Windows 81. However my daily use machine (build 18363.1440 installed on 2021-04-11) is with the skin applied and I went to check, it also does not work . I have now tested for 17763.2114, it does not work as well. If someone else tests in some version above 18363.1734 and does not work, please leave feedback. I modified the script to take a test by applying the Skin Metro in an X64 image in both "Program Files" and "Program Files (X86) folders." Currently the script only applies in the "Program Files" folder. However the WMP of the "Program Files (x86)" folder that did not receive Metro Skin integration, works correctly. I believe I'm wasting time, but I'll make one more of this test on the Build 18363.1734. If there is a problem, I will allow the recommendation to avoid the integration of WMP Metro Skin for now.