These commands can be slimmed down to single three line command code with adding function for List of Packages to be removed . that will be very handy as nobody has to again & again write all these but just add package name to list @inTerActionVRI will for sure do this in a single minute via his vast experience . Just we have to add Set List="*PackagesNames*" to very beginning of the script & rest all single three line command will do its magic.
I made my list the way MSMG recommends it, and I advised you to do the same. So, in my words, which you quoted, is the answer to your question. My list is as follows: Spoiler: RemovePkgsList.txt ; _TH_W10_LTSC_2021 ; EdgeChromium ; InternetExplorer GameExplorer SnippingTool SpeechRecognition TIFFIFilter ; WindowsMediaPlayer WindowsPhotoViewer WinSAT OfflineFiles OpenSSH RemoteDesktopClient RDC SimpleTCPIPServices TelnetClient TFTPClient AssignedAccess CEIP FaceRecognition KernelDebugging LocationService PicturePassword PinEnrollment UnifiedTelemetryClient WiFiNetworkManager WindowsErrorReporting WindowsInsiderHub HomeGroup MultiPointConnector RemoteAssistance RemoteDesktopServer RemoteRegistry WorksFolderClient DeviceLockdown EaseOfAccessThemes EasyTransfer FileHistory ManualSetup ProjFS Paint SecurityCenter StepsRecorder StorageSpaces SystemRestore WindowsBackup WindowsFirewall WindowsSubsystemForLinux WindowsToGo Wordpad AADBrokerPlugin AssignedAccessLockApp AsyncTextService BioEnrollment CapturePicker CallingShellApp CBSPreview ContentDeliveryManager CredDialogHost ECApp EdgeDevToolsClient Edge FileExplorer LockApp MapControl NarratorQuickStart OOBENetworkCaptivePortal OOBENetworkConnectionFlow ParentalControls PeopleExperienceHost QuickAssist RetailDemoContent SecureAssessmentBrowser SettingSync SkypeORTC SmartScreen ; Win32WebViewHost WindowsDefender WindowsMixedReality WindowsReaderPDF ; WindowsStoreClient XboxClient XboxGameCallableUI XGpuEjectDialog As you can see, I excluded some components, including WindowsStoreClient, as I integrated the Store. If you want to remove components, you need to update the image to 19044.1387 The information is contained in the Changelog: + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v2004 (v10.0.19041.1) & v2004/v20H2/v21H1/v21H2/LTSC2021 (v10.0.1904x.1387) Source OS.
Any information. Fisrt release of version 12.0 and removing 'edge' specifically (not chrome and deps) was my only combination in LTSC 2021 without it borking with '0x800f081f' and no more WU. I saw second 12.0 and some changes. Edge was added to removepkgslist again and I like to test it. Safe? PS: 11.9 produced an 'usable' latest LTSC.
Remembering that removal through Toolkithelper is more tuned. I already explained this other times, just as MSMG also explained here, it takes care of several aspect that the dism does not care. So when you can use the removal through Toolkithelper, I recommend.
I agree but I have problem running your custom toolkit. I can't make it run maybe your guidance is needed I think
I have not yet released the merged version with version 12.0. But to use you have to keep the structure of the official Toolkit. Enter the Custom package and delete the old version Toolkit.cmd to not replace version 12.0 and, extract the package in the Toolkit folder. At the moment I am performing the tests for the release. And, run the GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd file. Everything is described in my signature and in the long Main Post of Custom Toolkit. Currently with the advent of SSDs nor do you need to worry about it. The concern is relative to what is active and in operation on the system and in memory and processing management. Disabling telemetry and superfluous things, maintaining system functionality is the most important. Eventually you remove a ton of things and reduce 500mb in the image. I do not even worry about 500mb. There are people who reduce up to the system soul, only for specific use, but hence the system no longer has the functionality by hand for daily production use (a flexible system that meets the need for relatives, etc.). I prefer a functional, generic system that meets all of my surroundings by keeping the diversity of compatibility and functionalities for a good experience of use with privacy and security.
My experience is not vast, but I love using the "For" and "Foreach" command to make the repetition ties. Did you mean this way? Spoiler: W10build1607onlinePkgsRemoval.cmd Code: @echo off setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion set RegPath= for %%p in ( Adobe-Flash-For-Windows Media-FaceAnalysis Microsoft-OneCore-AllowTelemetry Microsoft-OneCore-ApplicationModel-Sync Microsoft-OneCore-Biometrics Microsoft-OneCore-CloudExperienceHost Microsoft-OneCore-ConnectionSharing Microsoft-OneCore-Connectivity-GamingPeripherals Microsoft-Windows-Cortana Microsoft-OneCore-CortanaComponents Microsoft-OneCore-Gaming Microsoft-OneCore-Indexer Microsoft-OneCore-Maps Microsoft-OneCore-SpeechComponents Microsoft-OneCore-TroubleShooting Microsoft-OneCore-Wer Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness Microsoft-Windows-Backup Microsoft-Windows-BioEnrollment Microsoft-Windows-CloudExperienceHost Microsoft-Windows-ContentDeliveryManager Microsoft-Windows-Geolocation Microsoft-Windows-Help Microsoft-Windows-IE-Troubleshooters Microsoft-Windows-MRT10 Microsoft-Windows-NetworkDiagnostics Microsoft-Windows-OfflineFiles Microsoft-Windows-OneDrive Microsoft-Windows-RemoteAssistance Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktop Microsoft-Windows-ShareMedia Microsoft-Windows-Shell-HomeGroup Microsoft-Windows-Shell-SettingSync Microsoft-Windows-Skype Microsoft-Windows-SnippingTool Microsoft-Windows-SystemRestore Microsoft-Windows-SearchEngine Microsoft-Windows-TroubleShooting Microsoft-Windows-WebcamExperience Microsoft-Windows-WindowsMediaPlayer-Troubleshooters Microsoft-Windows-WorkplaceJoin Microsoft-Xbox-GameCallableUI Windows-Defender ) do ( set "RegPath=HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\*%%p*" Powershell -C "Set-ItemProperty -Path '!RegPath!' -Name Visibility -Value 1 -Force -EA SilentlyContinue -Verbose" Powershell -C "Remove-Item -Path '!RegPath!' -Include *Owner* -Recurse -Force -EA SilentlyContinue -Verbose" Powershell -C "Get-ChildItem -Path '!RegPath!' -Name | ForEach-Object {Remove-WindowsPackage -Online -PackageName $_ -NoRestart}" set RegPath= ) Spoiler: W10build1607onlinePkgsRemoval.ps1 Code: $pkgsList = "Adobe-Flash-For-Windows", "Media-FaceAnalysis", "Microsoft-OneCore-AllowTelemetry", "Microsoft-OneCore-ApplicationModel-Sync", "Microsoft-OneCore-Biometrics", "Microsoft-OneCore-CloudExperienceHost", "Microsoft-OneCore-ConnectionSharing", "Microsoft-OneCore-Connectivity-GamingPeripherals", "Microsoft-Windows-Cortana", "Microsoft-OneCore-CortanaComponents", "Microsoft-OneCore-Gaming", "Microsoft-OneCore-Indexer", "Microsoft-OneCore-Maps", "Microsoft-OneCore-SpeechComponents", "Microsoft-OneCore-TroubleShooting", "Microsoft-OneCore-Wer", "Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness", "Microsoft-Windows-Backup", "Microsoft-Windows-BioEnrollment", "Microsoft-Windows-CloudExperienceHost", "Microsoft-Windows-ContentDeliveryManager", "Microsoft-Windows-Geolocation", "Microsoft-Windows-Help", "Microsoft-Windows-IE-Troubleshooters", "Microsoft-Windows-MRT10", "Microsoft-Windows-NetworkDiagnostics", "Microsoft-Windows-OfflineFiles", "Microsoft-Windows-OneDrive", "Microsoft-Windows-RemoteAssistance", "Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktop", "Microsoft-Windows-ShareMedia", "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-HomeGroup", "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-SettingSync", "Microsoft-Windows-Skype", "Microsoft-Windows-SnippingTool", "Microsoft-Windows-SystemRestore", "Microsoft-Windows-SearchEngine", "Microsoft-Windows-TroubleShooting", "Microsoft-Windows-WebcamExperience", "Microsoft-Windows-WindowsMediaPlayer-Troubleshooters", "Microsoft-Windows-WorkplaceJoin", "Microsoft-Xbox-GameCallableUI", "Windows-Defender" ForEach ($pkg in $pkgsList) { $RegPath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\*$pkg*" Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegPath -Name Visibility -Value 1 -Force -EA SilentlyContinue -Verbose Remove-Item -Path $RegPath -Include *Owner* -Recurse -Force -EA SilentlyContinue -Verbose Get-ChildItem -Path $RegPath -Name | ForEach-Object {Remove-WindowsPackage -Online -PackageName $_ -NoRestart} } I did, but I do not have Windows Build 1607 to test. Be my guests to test.
Ok , now I know why it doesn't work recently. not compatible with 12.0. Thanks for the info. Hope, you will release update. Thanks
But it should work anyway, however, without the features corrected in the new version that are related to the inbox apps and small details in the remove menu. In fact, it is not incompatible with the new version. Only it is best to be alert that the new Custom Toolkit has not yet been released. What is the problem going on? Then I already release with it fixed.
Toolkit_Beta.cmd is obsolete too, could be deleted. If you run through the GenericStart_Launchermenu, the Official Toolkit is 12.0 and the Custom Toolkit for now is 11.9. But even in version 11.9 it should work. If you find some problem running the Custom Toolkit, let me know.
I need to Integrate Edge Chromium to My Windows 7 master, does anyone have file and Its seem missing from packs folder...
RemovePkgsList_W10_LTSC_2021.txt does not list TelnetClient, TFTPClient. Where did you get them from maybe from RemovePkgsList_W11_10.0.22000 or some other place? What this Win32WebViewHost component is for, and where can I get a description of each component individually?
Black Kamen Rider, In folders, in which there are text files with download links, made available by MSMG, I put a script (DownloadExtract.cmd) that downloads the MSU files, extracts the CABs and deletes the remaining MSU. Downloads only for the respective folder. There are some txt files that were empty and I added the links. Just extract inside the Packs folder. Enter the component folder and run the DownloadExtract.cmd script you need. Note: You do not need to run as admin.