1. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    @MSMG Hello well I sincerely hope that you and your family are well healthy; I've been thinking about the last few days if BEFORE we start some work using the toolkit would not be of some help we previously install Windows ADK and / or Windows PE also obviously installing the version corresponding to each user's system well if I said some bulls**t please correct thank you.
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  2. Dudefoxlive

    Dudefoxlive MDL Novice

    Oct 27, 2018
    Whats going to happen now that the mega link is dead? Will the creator just find a new hosting service? Is all the data gone for it?
  3. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Did you try the mirrors provided at the OP?
  4. Pl have patience . lets pray for MSMG good health .
    This month itself is Yesu month . Hope all is well.
  5. Dr4w

    Dr4w MDL Junior Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    Mirrors are still up. Only the official MEGA is gone.
  6. E_B_M

    E_B_M MDL Member

    Jan 16, 2012
    Do you use WTK latest version ( or 2.0 Beta? I used to use WTK with Win 7, nice app.:)
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  7. Dear Friend i used Ver 2 Customized by Hidden Identity Admin at Discord Anon Russian Team :)

    I cant share any link to download it as it will break his Terms .
  8. E_B_M

    E_B_M MDL Member

    Jan 16, 2012
    #21888 E_B_M, Dec 18, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2021
    If you would share by PM (if that does not also go against forum rules) I would greatly appreciate it.

    Happy Holidays, my friend. :)
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  9. My Dear friend i would have deffinately provide the link to download that customized WTK 2 if he has not applied any terms & conditions for me or else it will result for me to be banned on his discord chsnnel forever.
    I hope you can understand my problem for not to share any of his shared tools with me anywhere in online world :)
  10. E_B_M

    E_B_M MDL Member

    Jan 16, 2012
    No worries my friend, I completely understand. Thank you for your contributions to this and other threads @ Mdl.
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  11. My dear friend Credits always remain Yours & Pleasure is always Mine . Happy Merry Xmas in adavnce :)
  12. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    Wow that sounds like some super secret nasa russian hacker stuff.
  13. E_B_M

    E_B_M MDL Member

    Jan 16, 2012
    :eek: :sofa: :animatedfear:
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  14. eXeToR

    eXeToR MDL Novice

    Jan 10, 2012
    Hello guys, I need some help. I've no clue about this three components: Content Delivery Manager, OOBE Network Captive Portal & OOBE Network Connection Flow. I would like to know what they do, I've tried to figure it out myself with the help of this list. The only thing I know is they are all related to the Out of Box Experience, when I tried to search for that I couldn't find much information. On the previously mentioned list there was also some information about the CloudExperienceHost related to the OOBE Network Captive Portal & OOBE Network Connection Flow but I couldn't find any further information, there was also this information: App for Suggested Apps, Automatic App-Updates, Ads, Telemetry Data Collection related to the Content Delivery Manager. Do you know if this three components are going to mess up the automatic app updates from the Microsoft Store if I remove them? I'm going to mention @MSMG maybe he can answer my question when he's back, if anyone knows the answer feel free to write it down.

    Thanks in advance
  15. My Dear Friend if they were a part of NASA or MI6 Russia then they wont be found anywhere online but there operators will be watching each & every activity online silently as well as hiddenly. thats all i can say to you. My Quote doesnt mean to hurt you or your words in any way i hope you can understand "Happy Merry XMAS" in Advance :)
  16. olris

    olris MDL Novice

    Mar 9, 2019
    Does anyone have an MSFS 2020 simulator? Some of the remote components causes a crash from the game to the desktop when you enter the graphics settings of the game. I can't figure it out. The original Windows does not behave this way, I checked.
  17. RobinTR0

    RobinTR0 MDL Novice

    Feb 7, 2020
    Im not 100% sure but i think its depends on Text to Speech / Voice Recognition
  18. graver.x

    graver.x MDL Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2020
  19. KleineZiege

    KleineZiege MDL Expert

    Dec 11, 2018
    it is possible that your mega account has been deleted.
    just wanted to download a pack... there came the message

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