Hi, I need help, I need a sript to integrate a exe file in instalation in both systems x86 and x64, in one DVD for exemple if system is x86 silverlight_x86 if system is x64 silverlight_x64 thanks, and sorry for my english
You cannot integrate exe files. But you can do that with firstlogon commands in the unattend.xml file. Cheers.
In post-install, if the system is 32bits install silverlight_x86.exe, if the system is 64bit install silverlight_x64.exe
@MSMG Is it still necessary to integrate features like Win 7 calculator and Direct X, then Windows updates, then remove the Windows Store Apps, then apply changes, THEN only integrate the .NET Frame work or can this done before? Here are my steps that I currently follow: 1) Load the source then choose your edition (Home or Pro) as the work done is made as per the edition of the ISO loaded currently 2) Integrate the features that you want such as the Windows 7 Calculator and DirectX 9.0 3) Integrate the latest windows update(s) 4) Remove Default Metro Apps > Select Option 1 to remove 3rd Party App Links 5) Remove all metro apps except Store and Xbox 6) Remove OS components like Connect App, Maps, Telemetry, Skype > then Advanced Windows Components like... Windows Defender, Edge, IE, Home Group, etc. 7) Apply the changes 8) Load the source again (same edition you loaded in step 1) 9) Integrate the .NET Framework 3.5 Component 10) Apply the changes again 11) Then start again at step 1, and perform the same integration / removal actions you did for the edition you selected first, so if you loaded Windows 10 Pro first, now select Windows 10 Home and repeat the steps again 12) Create the ISO
He prolly has a mixed x86/x64 install.wim and needs a script to install the desired silverlight architecture using a setupcomplete.cmd.
Code: for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"') do if "%%b"=="AMD64" (set arch=x64) else (set arch=x86) start /wait silverlight_%arch%.exe /q
somethimg like this @echo off for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"') do if "%%b"=="AMD64" (set arch=x64) else (set arch=x86) start /wait silverlight_%arch%.exe /q
Just checked, seems to be /q from what i read. Not sure if SetupComplete.cmd is best here, would use FirstLogon.cmd in same place (will be processed 1 stage after setupcomplete). FirstLogon.cmd: Code: @echo off setlocal EnableExtensions setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"') do if "%%b"=="AMD64" (set arch=x64) else (set arch=x86) start /wait silverlight_%arch%.exe /q endlocal exit
Just do yourself, pretty easy. Create $OEM$ folder with following subfolders: Code: $oem$\$$\Setup\Scripts Place FirstLogon.cmd in Scripts folder and copy the whole §OEM$ folder into the \sources\ folder of the ISO.
@mb_force check the code above, i added the missing /q. Thanks to @Enthousiast . EDIT: If you have more question, let's switch to the Sysprep/Silent REPO from my sig, to not polute this thread so much.
and 1 folder "Files" right? so i need 2 cmd files 1 "FirstLogon.cmd" and 1 "setupcomplete.cmd" right?
No additional folder needed, place the silverlight files together with FirstLogon.cmd inside the Scripts folder. It's either or, if Firstlogon.cmd is used, no Setupcomplete.cmd needed.